Type: Paraliterary text

749 records found
Spell for protection while traveling. Very late. Verso is full of Yiddish text, probably related.
Amulet in purple and yellow ink. Very late. Ashkenazi hand.
Amulet in purple and yellow ink. Very late. Ashkenazi hand.
Amulet. Very late.
Spells. Very late.
Amulets. Very late. Funky illustrations.
Amulet in purple and yellow ink. Very late. Ashkenazi hand.
Spells. Very late.
Ownership note, possibly. "This siddur(?) belongs to Faḍā'il b. Mordekhay."
Probably medical prescriptions in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic, listing materia medica and quantities and containing phrases like "min kull wāḥid."
Small fragment with calendrical calculations.
Minute fragment, probably from a Magical text. AA
Prayer in Hebrew.
Exorcism. In Hebrew. Late. The spirit of Nissim b. Bunya is commanded to leave the body of Qamr bt. Ruḥama, and it is decreed that he will have no further power over her or over Yosef Moshe b. Sara.
Recto: Geomancy castings. May be related to AIU VII.F.32. Includes two questions about the illness of David b. Esther: Is it earthly or from God? And what medicines will help him? Verso: Astronomical tables depending on Zacut's tables of 1513 described in Goldstein, B.R. and J. Chabás, '"ransmission of computational methods within the Alfonsine corpus: the case of the tables of Nicholaus de Heybech," Journal for the History of Astronomy 39 (2008), pp. 345-55, esp. pp. 354-5 (described). 34 lines. Times of true opposition (full-moon) for each month in the year 1796-97 computed (date expressed as 557). Abraham Zacut (1452-1515) credited on line 1 for the method of determining true oppositions. Information from JRL online catalogue.
A love spell/amulet for {Ḥayyim the son of ʿAzīza} and {Senyora the daughter of {Ashkenaz and {Sara the daughter of {Senyora and {Ḥayyim the son of Esther and {Avraham the son of Ḥava and {Yāqūtī the son of Ḥava}}}}}}. The genealogy seems highly ambiguous, and even the names of the would-be lovebirds, since the brackets could be placed practically anywhere. ASE.
Astrological composition in Judaeo-Arabic, in both black ink and red ink.
Recipe(s) in Judaeo-Arabic. Uses coriander; caraway; cinnamon; mastic; saffron; zaʿtar; cumin; anise; sesame; hemp / cannabis seed (qinnab); raisins; cloves; and walnuts(?).
Late. A fragmentary document dealing with excommunication and oath. Hebrew. AA
Enigmatic fragment. Possibly some sort of curse or prognostication. It is written in Judaeo-Arabic. The remaining content entirely consists of sentences addressed to a woman. "You will die on your bed, and an illness of the heart will overcome you, and also the bite of a dog and the kick of a riding beast. . . ."