Type: Letter

10477 records found
Small fragment from a letter. The writer informed that the betrothal and writing of the ketubah was done after Yom Kippur. AA
Letter from Abūn b. Ṣadaqa, in Jerusalem, to Nahray b. Nissim, probably in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic script. Asks Nahray to convey his gratitude to someone; mentions the arrival of R. Natan. Needs further examination
This is the verso of another letter, though the two seem to be unrelated. It is likely that this letter is a draft, as it seems to peter off and there are diagonal lines written across much of the text. The author mentions an old woman, and the only legible name is Ibn al-Faraj, though there is not enough information to identify this person.
This is the beginning of a very fragmentary letter which mentions a certain al-Dar'i (Dar'a is a town in Morocco). It is possible that the author is referring to the judge Avraham b. Yaʿaqov al-Dar'i, who was active in Alexandria around 1100 (see Goitein, Med Soc, v. 1, pp. 53, 407 fn 45: v. 3, p. 481 fn 171: v. 4, p. 399 fn 84: v. 5, p. 591 fn 173. See also Cohen, Jewish Self Government, pp 215 and 241-2, for a discussion of a letter in which Natan b. Yehuda accuses al-Dar'i of causing his death). The verso is also a letter, though it is unclear whether the two are related.
Recto: bottom half of a letter in Ladino from Shemuel Sidi (same as T-S 12.318 and T-S 12.381). Verso: unclear, needs examination. Long list of names, mostly Shimons. ASE.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Raḥamim Abzaradel to Moshe ben Naʿim dated 14 September 1827 (22 Elul 5587).
This is the end of a letter. A certain Abu al-Ḥasan is mentioned, though the document provides too little information to identify him. The author also mentions a short document (wurayqa) which is being kept with a man named Shelomo. The verso is blank.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic fron Nissim Masos (?) to Shimʿon Frances.
Letter discussing communal matters, especially income derived from the market place by religious dignitaries. Mentioned are levies imposed for the purchase of new mats (see Gil, Palestine, 2: 743, doc. #400) and oil for the synagogue (notice mention of prayers), an estimate of income which the writer cannot calculate, a weekly revenue of eight dinar, and the market where animals are slaughtered. Avraham b. David, 'the joy of the yeshiva', might refer to Avraham b. David b. Sighmar mentioned with this title in ENA2804.11 (Goitein, Med.Soc.3:183). The letter also mentions the Nasi and ends with profuse expressions of submission. Goitein suggests that the references to the Nasi and the Yeshiva indicate that the letter originated in Fustat (Goitein, Med. Soc., 2:543 note 3). On the verso, there are four lines of greetings possibly in a different hand. This is probably a draft and unconnected to the contents of the recto. Similar expressions are found in other Geniza letters, such as T-S NS 320.9 (Gil, Palestine, 2:388, doc. #211).
Fragment of a letter in Ladino.
Upper part of a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Short business letter in Ladino that appears to be dated 25 Shevat 5582 (16 February 1822), but this was a Shabbat, so perhaps the date needs reexamining. The writer is Shemuel Rubino (?) and the addressee is Yiṣḥaq de Curiel. The letters "C" and "SR" appear in the margin (the writer's initials?). ASE
Letter in Ladino. The signature looks like אברהם שיאונו. Needs further examination.
End of a letter comprising greetings to various acquaintances. Mentioned are Sitt Naim, Abu al-Ḥasan son of the judge (ben [ha] shofet), the European Shealtiel (ben?) Yosef \'the interpreter\' (al-turgeman), and Nahman. Verso is blank. No date. (Information from A. Franklin and S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2:22, 315-6, 198, 213)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 28 Sivan '85, probably 5585, corresponding to 14 June 1825 CE. The writer is Nissim Sabbāḥ and the addressee is Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ. The letter contains news about someone who has died, and about someone else who has asked after the addressee.
Fragment of a deferential letter in Judaeo-Arabic preserving only the beginning and the address in Arabic script. The writer seems to be Abū l-Ḥasan and the addressee may be named Abū l-Faḍl al-[. . .].
Small fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter mentioning Abū Yaʿqūb and [...]b al-Ḥakīm.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, a fragment preserving only the margin of recto and part of the address on verso. The writer may be named [...] b. Meshullam.
Most of a family letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragment of a letter in Hebrew from the second half of the 16th century, mentioning attempts to prevent a certain edict, in which R. Yosef Karo was involved (he is mentioned twice in this letter). Damascus is also mentioned.