Type: State document

1081 records found
Upper part of an official (tax?) receipt, with ʿalāʾim and registration notes.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Looks like a state/fiscal hand.
State document in Arabic script. Dated either 512 or 522 AH (or both, one on recto and the other on verso?). Mentions a ḍamān ("tax farm" or "guarantee") and a sum of 100 dinars. Needs examination.
Official receipt in Arabic script, with an ʿalāma at the top. Written on the back of a torn fragment from a petition or letter ("ʿabd al-ḥaḍra al-[...]..."). Needs examination.
Fiscal account? Small fragment.
Recto: Letter or petition addressed to someone with many honorifics: al-muwaffaqiyya al-manṣūra al-ḥāmiya al-muʾayyadiyya.... Might mention the palace (al-qaṣr). The name of the sender may be at the upper left, and above that, "wāṣil al-muʾayyadiyya"(?). On verso there is an order of payment to give the bearer items such as mastic, maḥlab and coriander, with accounts (mentioning mercury) underneath. Needs further examination.
Tax receipt? Written on verso of a torn petition or formal letter in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Fragment of a petition (upper right corner). Preserved text: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم خلد الله ايام الحضرة السامية . . . الجلالية ناصرة ال . . . . The addressee may be a noble woman: the adjective "jalāliyya" could easily refer to "al-ḥaḍra" regardless of the gender of the addressee, but Nāṣirat al-D[īn? Dawla?] would be strange for a male addressee.
Tax receipt from the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb.
Fiscal accounting. ʿAlāma at the top: al-ḥamdu lillāhi wa-ʿalayhi tawakkulī. Needs examination.
Possibly one line of a state document. "al-[...] bi-waliyy wulāt al-[...] ... istiḥqāq..."
One side: State document. Only a few words are preserved from very widely spaced lines ("...ʿalā l-ḥukm ʿalā..."). The text on the other side is unidentified.
State document. Dated: Jumādā I 52[.] AH (=1126–35 CE, but the precise date should be legible). There are registration marks/notes at the top. Looks very interesting, possibly mentioning taxation, Ibrāhīm al-Armanī, "the sect of the easterners" (ṭāʾifat al-mashāriqa) and a dignitary titled Muaʾayyad al-Mamlaka wa-Majduhā ʿImād al-Dawla wa-Naṣruhā..... Needs examination.
Petition to a state official. In Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner). All that is preserved is some of the titles of the addressee.
Fiscal accounting. [Waṣala] ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr bi-taʾrīkh [...]. Needs further examination.
Fiscal accounting, possibly. Needs examination.
Fiscal accounting, possibly. Needs examination.
Official receipt for Abū [...] al-ʿAṭṭār for a payment of 5 dirhams (unclear what for). The sum is written in three different places and there is an ʿalāma (al-ḥamdu lillāhi ʿalā niʿmatihī). Whatever was written at the bottom (date? name of scribe?) has been torn away.
State document, extremely fragmentary, report or petition. Mentions 'al-majlis al-ʿālī' and 'imtathal ilaihi'.
Recto: Fragment of a state document, possibly a decree. 2 lines preserved. In Arabic script. Some phrases read as "yanālu aṣḥābuhu mimman yaḍumm... wa-akhdh...", "wa-l-muṭālaba bimā lam yajib min gh[...]." There are three interspersed lines of Arabic script between the two lines of the decree which also seem to be in a chancery hand, probably from later reuse. Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, in a Maghribī hand on verso.