Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter from the community of Ashkelon to Shema'ya ha-Ḥaver, Jerusalem.
Letter in the hand of Nahray b. Nissim. In Judaeo-Arabic The writer had paid 60+ dinars to gentiles to save Yeshaʿya al-Fāsī. He had asked the latter three years back to deliver the money to the Ra's al-Mathība in Jerusalem. Instead Yeshaʿya claimed that Nahray owed him money. Information from Goitein's note card. (NB: This was previously described as "Business letter by David b. Abi Zimra," which must belong to another unidentified shelfmark.)
Still un-conserved, and the pages stick together. Contains at list two letters, one in Arabic and one in Judeo-Arabic. According to the catalogue it is a letter Abu al-faraj b. Shema’aya in Jerusalem. AA
Letter from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu, complaining about his bad fortune. Mentions al-Shaykh al-Thiqa and Ibn al-Shaykh al-Rashḍd Abū l-Faḍl b. Nuʿmān. AA
Fragment of letter granting the privilege of slaughtering birds, written in the hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. (Information from CUDL)
Letter apparently from a woman (based on what appear to be 2 feminine adjectives, כפיפה and ראציא = ראציה) to her father (yā wālidī). Fragment (lower right corner). In Judaeo-Arabic. Refers to family drama and perhaps the sender's desire to move in with another woman in the family (nataʾawwa ʿindahā). On verso there is a draft of the first three lines of a letter in Arabic script. The remainder of verso and the margins of recto are also filled with Arabic-script pen exercises. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Letter from Yosef b. Yeshua from Alexandria, to Yosef b. Ya’aqov b. Awkal, Fustat. The writer describes the situation in Alexandria before the shipping season starts. Writes that there is a large amount of merchants and of merchandise that are about to be shipped. Also mentions the prices in Alexandria. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #187) VMR. CUDL description: Business letter from Joseph b. Yeshuʿa (ישועא) al-Aṭrābulsī in Alexandria to Abū l-Faraj Joseph b. ʿAwkal. (Information from CUDL)
Four un-conserved small fragments. One is a remain from a letter to Eli b. Amram. The other 3 are still to be identified. AA
Four un-conserved small fragments. One is a remain from a letter to Eli b. Amram. The other 3 are still to be identified. AA
Four un-conserved small fragments. One is a remain from a letter to Eli b. Amram. The other 3 are still to be identified. AA
Four un-conserved small fragments. One is a remain from a letter to Eli b. Amram. The other 3 are still to be identified. AA
Letter of condolence, with extensive biblical quotations. A Judaeo-Arabic text on verso, ‘from his servant’, appears to be a postscript. (Information from CUDL)
A letter in a poetical Hebrew addressed to the community of Alexandria, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi.
Probably part of a letter, with unorthodox orthography. (Information from CUDL)
Letter in Arabic per FGP - needs examination. Image not available
Business letter in Arabic script in which a father reports to his son on events in Alexandria and the arrival of the aṣḥāb, about which he's very excited. Reports as well on acquisition of dyed flax or linen and other textiles, and says there's no need to go to Palermo. (Information from Aodeh)
A letter containing a dirge addressed to Mevorakh (b. Saadya) the Nagid - needs examination. Image not available
A letter to Halfon (Khalaf) b. Menasse from his brother, Yefet. Image not available (data by Oded Zinger FGP)
Letter to Masliah ha-Kohen Gaon from a woman, the daughter of Abraham the cantor and the wife of Abu 'l-Ma`ali Khalaf b. Harun, describing her husband's mistreatment of her and petitioning the Gaon to look into her plight. Image not available (Data from FGP)
A private letter mentioning Abu Nasr b. Ya'aqov- needs examination. Image not available?