Type: List or table

4253 records found
Recto: Accounts in Ladino in muayyadis, naming Shelomo, Hakham Moshe, Yizhaq M[...?], Shemuel Ḥarran, Reuven, and amounts owed to and received from different parties. On the facing page there are mysterious symbols—triangles, circles, lines, and dots, along with the name "ha-Za'ir Moshe" and a note in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Continuation of the accounts, mentioning Yizhaq the uncle (tio) of Shelomo. And what appears to be the address of a letter, in Hebrew, from Rashid to Fustat for a certain Shalom Refu'a (?!). Perhaps this was the envelope, came apart from the letter, and was then reused for accounts.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, likely medieval.
Writing exercises.
Writing exercises.
Writing exercises.
Recto: Late account in Judaeo-Arabic, mostly foodstuffs. Verso: A note naming David Medina and specifying the month of Muharram.
Recto: Fragment of a late account in Arabic. Verso: "Mikhael, Gavriel, Uriel" repeated three times.
List of names, headed 'Yisraelim.' Charity list?
This fragment is actually several fragments stuck together. Much of it consists of extensive business accounts of an India trader. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning many items of clothing and ʿAydhāb. There is also an imprint of an unrelated letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Much more of the text would likely emerge with proper conservation.
Recto: beginning of a draft of a marriage document from Fusṭāṭ dated 1091 CE. Verso: Writing practice in Hebrew and Arabic script.
A list from a greengrocer or druggist? Or a shopping list? In Judaeo-Arabic. Written in a crude or at least hasty hand. Many names of foods and herbs are given along with some people's names. Items include sumac, chard (salq), rue (sadhāb), green onion (baṣal akhḍar) or alternatively another kind of onion (baṣal [...]), mulūkhiyya, taḥīna, coriander, linseed oil (zayt hār), olive oil (zayt ṭayyib), honey ("from the kitchen/factory (maṭbakh) of Bū [...]"), saffron (followed by the name Bū Manṣūr), mastic (followed by the name Bū l-Faḍl), pepper (followed by the name Bū ʿAlī b. Bū Daʾūd), and cinnamon (followed by the name Saloman [sic!] al-ʿAṭṭār). In line three the writer seems to offer an option: "and if we/you think best (wa-in kān narāhu [or yarāhu?]... or mulūkhiyya...."
Accounts (?) divided by horizontal lines. 11th c (?), written on parchment, thus Sicilian?
Private account written by Nahray b. Nissim, ca. 1055. Mentions silk from Sicily and Spain. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #278) VMR
List of donations received arranged according to parshiyot.
Image not available.
List of donations collected on various Shabbatot probably. Judaeo-Arabic, late hand.
Image not available.
The first page is a letter in Italian from Venice, dated 4 May 1755 CE, mentioning Cairo and several names. The subsequent 8 pages are printed forms from the Alexandria firm of Levi, Molco, e Comp., which have been filled out with details of shipping contracts from the year 1755, also giving the name of the ships and their captains. 17 August (Livorno), 27 August (Livorno), 10 September (Venice), 25 September (Venice), 29 September (Venice), 17 June (Venice), 17 August (Livorno), 27 August (Livorno). Merits further examination
List of charity received, probably, by dozens of people, arranged in a curiously alphabetical way, with sections devoted to orphans and wives and daughters and divorcees. If ״אל״ stands for "almanat," a large number of widows are listed.
98 pages of donations collected on the Shabbats of the first years of the 19th century.