Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Ladino Talmudic work.
Ladino Talmudic work.
Fragment from a printed work in Ladino that mentions Galen (1r) and Aristotle's Metaphysics (1r, 1v). MCD.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino and Hebrew literary work.
Ladino and Hebrew literary work.
Ladino poetry.
Bifolium from the Duties of the Heart by Bahya Ibn Paquda (d. 1120).
Bifolium containing vignettes from Roman history, a bit about Jesus, and also the beginning of an account of a Jewish-Christian debate that took place "here in Avila." The adversary was Diego Martin, formerly Avner, from among the students of the students of Maestro Alfonso.
Bifolium from the Kuzari. Known handwriting?
Copies of letters, perhaps. Catalogued as pertaining to Maimonides and R. Ḥisday. Needs examination.
Cryptic lines in Judaeo-Arabic with interlinear translations into a different Judaeo-language. At least several of the words are Persian. There are neat lines in red ink between entry. Needs further examination.
26 pages of a Ladino & Hebrew manual on divination, using astrology and geomancy and perhaps some casting of lots (see pp. 21–22, where there is a calendrical table that the soothsayer can use to determine when the event will come to pass).
Magical instructions.