Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter from the French rabbi Shemuel b. Yaʿaqov. In Hebrew. Concerning communal controversy and bans of excommunication.
Letter in Hebrew from the communal head of Ṣahrajt, a small Delta town, reporting on the local communityʼs handling of a particularly problematic case of marital strife. A man married the sister of his deceased wife, but the marriage was not a success, and, as the letter narrates the events, the wife appealed to a Muslim court to divorce her from her husband. (Information from Oded Zinger, Women, Gender, and Law (PhD diss), 65–66).
Letter of appointment for Shabbat ha-Melammed (the teacher). According to Goitein, this is Shabbat b. Elazar ha-Melammed. Dated Tammuz 1366/ June-July 1055. (Bareket writes 1035, but this is obviously a mistake). Written by Eli b. Amram (Bareket). Bareket states that this appears to be the only deed of its kind in the Geniza. (Information from Bareket, Shafrir Misrayim, p. 44, n. 70; see also the Fustat on the Nile, p. 46)
Letter in Hebrew. Dating: Probably late. Mentions someone who is in danger of being imprisoned by the Gentiles.
Informal notes (or formularies?) in Judaeo-Arabic (labeled א and ב). Needs examination.
Recto: Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The unknown writer seems to be describing the piyyut he wrote on verso (murattab ʿalā ʿalāmāt), mentions the Muslims and Jews, and asks the addressee to pass the piyyut on to somebody who [can correct?] the ʿalāmāt(?). Needs examination.
Opening of a letter to David Hanagid - needs examination. Image not available
Beginning of a letter of Neḥemya ha-Kohen b. Kohen Ṣedeq, a self-proclaimed gaon of Pumbedita, written before August 960. The letter is a polemic against Aharon ha-Kohen b. Yosef (Khalaf b. Sarjādo), gaon of Pumbedita since 943. Mentions the son of Neḥemya, Ṭov. Includes Neḥemya ha-Kohen’s bulla. Verso is blank. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 53.)
private letter - needs examination. Image not available
Private letter - needs examination. No image
End of a letter from Tiberias with signatures - needs examination. NO image
Letter from 1908. No image
Letters. No image
Letters. No image
A letter signed by Barukh Halevi. No image
A letter. Needs examination. No image
A letter to Musa Yahya from Yahya Ibrahim - needs examination. No image
From a business letter, referring to quantities of trade goods. Abū Naṣr al-Tustarī is mentioned. Or possibly an account of communal contributions. (Information in part from CUDL)
A letter to the Head of the Yeshiva - needs examination. No image
Private letter - needs examination. No image