Type: Letter

10477 records found
Probably a letter - needs examination. No image
Fragment of a letter - needs examination. No image
needs examination. Image not available. Apparently a letter addressed to Yom Tov b. Eliyyahu Yisrael, in Ladino, dated 1876 CE, per FGP.
Documentary per FGP - needs examination. Apparently a letter in Ladino, per FGP.
Business letter in Arabic script from Nissim b. Mufarraj b. Kulayf to al-rayyis Abū l-Faḍl Hārūn.
Letter to Yehuda b. Elya to Egypt (FGP). Image not available.
Recto: Letter fragment, probably addressed to Moshe Maimonides. In Judaeo-Arabic. Reporting on the arrival of Abū l-Mufaḍḍal and mentioning a letter to Abū l-Fakhr al-Ṣayrafī b. Saʿīd. Possibly mentioning the capitation tax (jizya) of someone's father. Verso: Letter from Moshe Maimonides. Autograph. Giving instructions to a certain judge to go to the dyehouse (maṭbakh, maṣbagh) where Abū Isḥāq works and confirm the value of its rent. Information in part from Friedman, Dictionary, p. 723.
Letter from Moshe Maimonides to Abū l-Munā. Autograph. In Judaeo-Arabic. Abū l-Munā is asked to convey Moshe's gratitude to Najm [al]-Dīn on account of the benefaction he bestowed by helping a certain prisoner. Moshe cannot come in person to thank him.
Letter by Moshe Maimonides. A copy. Following the responsum, there is a copy of Maimonides' letter to Pineḥas ha-Dayyan of Alexandria. (Information from Amir Ashur via FGP)
Letter addressed to Moshe Maimonides. In Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. NB: The identifications and bibliography on FGP (an autograph responsum of Avraham Maimonides) actually refer to MS 8254, fol. 17.
Letter fragment from a certain Moshe to the Nagid Avraham (I or II?).
Verso: Letter of appeal from a poor man [...] ha-Levi addressed to the Nagid David I Maimonides (r. 1237–1300) or David II Maimonides (r. 1355–1410). In Judaeo-Arabic. Opens with standard praises as well as a prayer for David's speedy recovery from his illness. There follows a detailed story about money that may be owed to the writer.
A circular of Maimonides on the ransoming of captives. Dated: Summer (Tammuz) 1169 CE. With Maimonides' signature.
Letter in Ladino from Shemuel Sidi to Gabriel Conforte (17th century). ASE.
Letter (emissary letter) issued by the sages of Saida (Sidon) in 1620 (FGP)
Letter from Moshe [...] to Avraham. In Ladino.
Letter in Ladino, small fragment.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. In which a man addresses a future in-law. The bride was staying in the house of the addressee. "She has no father and brother except you," he writes, meaning that the person addressed had to replace both. He excuses himself from attending the wedding in person by saying that his wife is expecting and that he is extremely busy. But he will undertake the journey if the bride's outfit is completely ready. (Information from Med Soc viii, A, 2, n. 77; viii, B, 5, n. 90; viii, C, 1, n. 13.) This is a private manuscript acquired by Alain Jacquet of Nanterre, France, in Cairo, summer 1972.
Part of a letter in Arabic with a list of names
Part of a letter in Arabic with a list of names