Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Bifolium from a Judaeo-Arabic treasure hunting manual. Needs further examination.
Poetry: a leaf from a diwan of Hebrew poetry, with Judaeo-Arabic headers giving the occasions.
"The chapter of knowing the unknown (taʿallum al-ghayb)." One takes a certain animal on Shabbat, breaks open its back, and eats its heart while still hot.
A booklet containing, among other things, a rendition of Megillat Esther into Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic verse. The name Moshe Aghion appears at the bottom of folio 10 (P8), perhaps the scribe.
Love poetry in Judaeo-Arabic.
Folio from a Judaeo-Arabic medical treatise, giving several recipes.
A Maimonides autograph of the Guide for the Perplexed. Information from FGP.
The first page of the treatise on interpretation of dreams, transcribed into Judaeo-Arabic, composed by Abū Sahl ʿĪsā b. Yaḥyā al-Mutaṭabbib al-Faylasūf (better known as Abū Sahl al-Masīḥī) under the patronage of Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad b. ʿAlī b. Ma'mūn Khwārazmshāh (ca.1000). Verso contains a note in a different hand saying only "tafsīr al-manāmāt."
A leaf from a printed siddur including the services for the 10th of Tevet.
Bifolium from a verse narrative in Judaeo-Arabic involving the exploits of al-Nāṣir Muḥammad b. Qalāwūn.
Bifolium from a commentary on Maqāmāt al-Ḥarīrī in Arabic script.
Sermon for Palm Sunday (headed Turjām ʿĪd al-Saʿānīn). In Garshuni (Arabic language in Syriac script). There is a drawing of a box at the bottom of verso. Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
A few words in Garshuni (Arabic language in Syriac script): al-r[abb?] (=God) and jamīʿ al-bilād ("all the lands"). Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Sermon (or at least a literary text) in Garshuni (Arabic language in Syriac script). On recto, mentions Banū Isrāʾīl, on verso quotes John Chrysostom. Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Syriac Memro for Palm Sunday. 14 lines, with a catchword at the bottom and the Garshuni heading yuqraʿ turjām ʿīd al-saʿānīn. This was edited by Siam Bhayro. Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Sermon in Garshuni (Arabic language in Syriac script). Repeatedly mentions al-ghafrān (forgiveness). There is a line about tears flowing from eyes (l. 5). Mentions the Gospel (injīl) in l. 12. Information in part from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Garshuni sermon (?) and/or supplication to the Virgin Mary. Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Syriac pre-Anaphora rite with rubrics in Garshuni. Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Sermon in Garshuni. Mentions the flood (al-ṭūfān), the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra (...wa-amṭara ʿalayhim al-rabb... wa-kibrīt wa-l-jamr al-hamīm...), and Moses and the sons of Israel. Some sections are repeated. Information in part from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."
Syriac alphabet exercises and Psalms 1:6–2:3. Information from Kiraz, "Learning Syriac and Garshuni in Early Modern Egypt."