Type: Letter

10477 records found
Fragmentary business letter concerning the author's opponents. The writing appears to be in the hand of Avraham b. Natan. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter fragment from Shelomo b. Yehuda to an unidentified personality in Fustat, ca. 1025. This letter describes a difficult and very brief visit to Jerusalem involving a controversy about some Jewish captives. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment from Yosef Ha-Kohen Ha-Ḥaver b. Yaʿaqov, the head of the Jewish community in Tyre, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, in Fustat, approximately 1040, concerning two sisters from the Tyre Jewish community, who are trying to claim their inheritance after their father, Ḥalfon b. Taʿlab, died in Fusṭaṭ in 1040 CE. Most of the details, such as the names of the sisters, are not preserved, but the name of the husband of one of the sisters, Ṣedaqa b. Ezra, is preserved, linking this letter with T-S 10J12.25 and T-S 13J18.1, which is five years later, dealing with the same case, and preserving more details including the names of the sisters. (Information from CUDL)
Letter fragment from a group of Byzantine Jewish captives being held for ransom in Egypt (probably Alexandria), to the Nagid Yehuda b. Seʿadya. In Hebrew. Dating: Late 11th century. Requesting urgent help with payment of their ransom. Pirates, who had captured them at sea, had originally sold them to slave traders, but were forced to take them back as the sale was illegal, thus placing them in a precarious situation. (Information from CUDL.)
Verso contains greetings and the name of the addressee, Nehemiah b. Perahya. Recto also contains the name of the addressee. The letter may have been sent from the Yeshiva of Iraq to Fustat and from there to Damsis, which is mentioned in the address. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Verso: Letter in Hebrew, apparently in the hand of Yefet b. David. Published by Bareket, Shafrir Misrayim, doc. 24. On recto there is a legal document (see separate record).
Letter from Barhun b. Salih al-Tahirti, from Busir, probably to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1046. The writer sold goods in the Delta area and arranged flax shipments from Alexandria. He is planning to travel to Mahdiyya. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, #330) VMR
Fragment of a business letter from Barhun b. Salih al-Tahirti in Busir, probably to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat, mentioning bales of flax being prepared for shipment to Alexandria and places further on, and the writer's intention to travel to Mahdiyya. Dated ca. 1046. (Information from Gil)
Fragment of a badly damaged business letter mentioning merchandise sent to Palermo and Mazara, some ships, and business dealings with Yosef b. Yaʿaqov ibn Awkal, and the Tustari. Dated to the beginning of the 11th century. (Information from Gil)
Upper half of a letter in which the writer expresses his gratitude to his father-in-law, the 'sar' Yehoshuaʿ, for treating him well, and mentions his visit to Soan (Fustat). (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter from Shelomo b. Semah, Ramla, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, ca. 1030.
Fragment of a letter sent from Alexandria to the Head of the Congregations, perhaps R. Eliyyahu the Dayyan, describing a meeting of about fifty elders headed by R. Shemuel, the Dayyan and Ras al-Jaliya (the Nasi). Regret is expressed about a letter sent by the Nagid Avraham, and about letters by the addressee (Information from Goitein's index cards) Letter to someone addressed as ‘Adon ha-Tora Sar he-Te'uda Rosh ha-Qahal Yehid ha-Dor', concerned with community matters, sent to the perfumer's market to Abu l-Faraj (?). Mentions people and titles including the Nagid Abraham, Sulayman, Shemuʾel and ‘al-Nasi Shams al-Din Rosh ha-Galut'. (information from CUDL)
Fragment of a lovely family letter sent from Alexandria by Abu Sa'id al-Bazzaz to his brother, Abu al-Barakat b. Yefet, at the shop of Abu al-Fakhr b. al-Mashati in the perfume sellers' market (Suq al-'Attarin), He expresses deep mourning over the death of Abu Nasr and his sister Zayn. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Effaced letter in which a man informs his mother that the power of attorney she gave him proved to be invalid. He urges her to send him a valid writ, issued by her and by Mahfuz, which gives power of attorney to him, his brother and Abu Sa'id 'Amram ha-Levi b. Moshe. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter, written by a trader before leaving Aden for Nahrawāra, mentioning Abū l-Waḥš, Abū Saʿd, Abū Naṣr, Abū Jacob and the family of Bayt al-Baḥr (house of the sea). On verso there is the address in Arabic script. (Information from CUDL.) See also Goitein notes linked below.
Letter from Eli Ha-Kohen b. Ezekiel, Jerusalem, to Eli Ha-Kohen b. Hayyim, Fustat.
Recto: fragment of a letter mentioning ‘the Nasi of the Exile’. The sender wants the addressee to speak to 'the captives' to take him with them and to give a small amount for the price of a boat. "Your brother Mevorakh" may have helped the sender in the past. Verso: unrelated business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, listing names and numbers. Dating: Likely 11th century. (Information in part from CUDL)
Middle part of a poorly preserved letter (the beginning, end, and address are lost), probably an invitation or encouragement for a celebrity, Natan ha-Kohen, to come and visit. (Information from Goitein's index cards and Goitein, typed texts)
Partly effaced business letter in which the writer instructs the addressee concerning a purchase and payments to a certain Abu Nasr. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Fragment of a letter, mentioning Egypt but mostly illegible. Ca. 11th century. (Information from CUDL)