Type: Paraliterary text

749 records found
Unidentified fragment; talks about the dying of different kind of clothes. (CUDL)
Medical recipe for a lead-based collyrium (shiyāf abār), including lead, scoria or gold filings, antimony, lead (ie, Venetian) ceruse, Arabic gum and Egyptian opium. (CUDL)
Astrological text in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning ‘the grace of kings’ and ‘access to the sultans’. (Information from CUDL)
The nature of the text is unclear- very dark and hard to read. Few names on Verso such as Ishaq b. Barukh,. Sevilla is mentioned. Seems to be written by Abu Nasr b. al-Tabib (see TS 8J15.13 where he signed on top). He was active during Maimonides' time: in TS 16.229 he mentions him in the blessing for the living. He copied dozens of halakhic treatises, Geonic responsa and other collections of responsa such as those by R. Yosef Migash (see Ashur, ‘Responsa of Rabbi Joseph Ibn Migash from the Cairo Geniza’, Qovets-Al-Yad 21 [31], pp. 1˗24, 2012 [Hebrew]). AA
Much faded and rubbed. Seems like liturgical instructions?
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic, with a colophon. Mentions: "my master Aaron... his lineage... the other tribes of the sons of (Israel)... in the Torah... (Moses and?) Aaron, peace be upon them... [...] the son of Jacob the prophet, peace be upon him... his lineage to Ḥuwayy/Ḥivi the son of... of Khaybarī origin, an in-law of the noble [feminine name or noun]. I have transcribed all the foregoing from Arabic script into Hebrew script, letter by letter, for the sake of the knowledge of a sect of the Jews... and I have taken their testimony in it.... The completion (אלפגֿאר(!)) of it was... Kislev 1644... Yaʿaqov ha-Rofe (the physician)." The date corresponds to 1331 CE. AA. ASE.
Medical. Materia medica. List of medical substances and quantities (see Isaacs, Catalogue) Judeo-Arabic. AA
Much damages and stained. The nature of this fragment is unclear. Mixture of Judeo Arabic and Hebrew. Some Hebrew words are circled.
Medical Medical text on medicine for the stomach and indigestion (from CUDL).
Medical. From a work on materia medica, listing simple medicaments, their function and use (from CUDL).
Medical. Medical prescription (from CUDL).
Spell of destruction. In Judaeo-Arabic and Aramaic, with a postscript in Arabic script ("for killing, very useful"). See Niessen, F., & Bohak, G. (2007). ‘Destroy the life of N.N.!’: A magical recipe: T-S AS 162.51. [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, September 2007]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.40296.
Medical prescription in Judaeo-Arabic.
Much damaged and faded, seems medical or alchemy.
Medical recipe (information from Isaacs Catalogue)
Guide to the numerical value of the Arabic letters.
Medical prescriptions in Arabic script.
Medical prescription in Arabic script.
Ownership note in Arabic script: "This book of medicine belongs to Ibrāhīm the Rabbanite Jew known as Ibn al-Ḥarīrī." On verso there are Greek/Coptic numerals.