Type: Paraliterary text

749 records found
Recipe in Arabic script. "Take the black myrtle and take the chard, and tear apart... take salt, a half measure..."
Recto: Biblical verses in Hebrew language written in Arabic script (ṭov lehodot...), headed by a basmala. Verso: One column is either a magical text or dense jottings / pen trials, while the other column appears to be instructions for a recipe. All in Arabic script.
Medical recipes in Arabic script.
Recipes (alchemical?) mainly in Hebrew with many Romance words mixed in (mercury, sal natri). Late.
Recipe or prescription. In Judaeo-Arabic. Includes saffron.
Magical fragment in Aramaic and perhaps some Judaeo-Arabic.
Magical fragment in Arabic script. It seems for ḍarabān (throbbing) of something.
Magical fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. For getting rid of an enemy.
Recto: Possibly a horoscope (or a birth record for a boy?). In Arabic script. Mentions "al-mawlid al-saʿīd," Alexandria, the year 552 AH (=1157/58 CE). In the margin, twice, "The name is ʿAlī b. Zīz." Verso: List of 13 Greek or Latin-sounding names (e.g., Gregorius, Adrianus). Or simply magical names? In Hebrew script.
From an halakhic discussion? not enough text is preserved.
calendrical calculations?
Minute fragment from sefer mitzvot
Unidentified. Might be from a legal discussion of some sort.
Medical prescription in Arabic script. Written in the bottom margin of a Hebrew literary/legal text.
Tiqun Shetarot - instructions to write legal deeds.
Legal query in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi (found by Amir Ashur), with the responsum at the bottom signed by Shelomo b. Natan.
Copies of various texts written by Yosef Rosh ha-seder, including Maimonides responsum no. 138 and more.
Ownership note on a prayerbook or book of piyyuṭim. "Belongs to the cantor Ghālib b. Ḥalfon."
Medical prescription in Arabic script. On recto there is Hebrew literary text.
Dream vision of Mawhūb al-Muʿallim. In Judaeo-Arabic (introduction) and Hebrew (vision). Dated: 945, perhaps 4945 AM, which is 1184/85 CE. Has to do with divine vengeance on Edom.