Type: Literary text

1840 records found
A Hebrew-Aramaic-Yiddish biblical dictionary. Genesis 27:40–31:27. See FGP for further discussion and identification.
Poem in stanzas. In Ladino. There is also some different text in Hebrew.
List of haftaras.
Recto: Syriac writing exercises. Verso: The Syriac Peshitta of Psalms 20, transcribed phonetically into Hebrew script.
Calligraphic banners in nastaʿlīq calligraphy. On verso of ENA 3904.12 there are 4 verses each of Arabic poetry and Persian poetry. Presumably this is not from the Geniza, but rather from Adler's acquisitions further east.
Page from a compilation in Ottoman Turkish of excerpts of elegant letters and poetry attributed to specific authors (whose names are indicated in red ink). The quotation on the left of the recto is dated 1172 AH, which is 1758/59 CE, and the author's name in red below it is "يحيى چاوش / Yaḥya Çavuş." Much of the text appears to rhyme given the repetition and alternation of suffixes across line pairings. Although the format of this page fragment is suggestive of the existence of a wider bound compilation, the empty columns on the verso may indicate that this was an unfinished work in progress. MCD.
Literary text in Arabic script.
Literary text in Arabic script.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary. Maybe astrology.
Arabic, literary. Some section headers in red ink.
Medical text in Arabic script. "The Regimen for Healthy People" (Kitāb Tadbīr al-Aṣiḥḥā').
Probably a fragment of a poetry dīwān. Preface (tamhīd) followed by verses of love poetry on recto. The preface mentions a lover striving to appease his beloved by becoming her guide (dalīl) so that she has a change of heart (yaʿṭifu qalbuhu ʿalayya). The rhyme (rawī) of the qaṣida on recto is 'dāl' and 'ʿain' on verso, preceded by a short preface.
Literary text or texts in Arabic script. Many of the fragments in this folder belong together. There are also interesting tables in Arabic script, written in red and black ink. Needs examination.
See ENA 3912.1
See ENA 3912.1
See ENA 3912.1