Type: Paraliterary text

749 records found
Formularies for curses.
Magical instructions of some kind. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Pen trial in Judaeo-Arabic ("on the date of the third") and in Arabic script ("on the date of the ninth"). This is in the upper margin of a Talmudic/literary text.
Writing exercises, probably. In Hebrew script and Arabic script.
Arabic text, likely literary, written at the bottom of a page of Judaeo-Arabic tafsīr. Mentions Abū l-Ṭayyib Aḥmad b. al-Ḥasan.
Recto: Draft of letter text in Judaeo-Arabic with unidentified Arabic text (magical?) underneath. Verso: Likely an occult text in Hebrew, mentioning various numbers. Written on parchment.
On verso Arabic Astrological text. Above the text two Hebrew signatures: 'Eli Hakohen b. Yeshu'a and Shemuel Hakohen Rosh Yeshiva shel Golah (Head of the Diaspora Yeshiva). Recto is an unidentofied Hebrew text. AA
Pious composition in Judaeo-Arabic, possibly poetry (fragmentary and hard to tell if there is a rhyme).
Perhaps prayers, in a mixture of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Judaeo-Arabic.
Text in Judaeo-Arabic informing someone about their livelihood. Perhaps prognostications/horoscopes.
Bifolio containing a magical spell in Judaeo-Arabic for extracting venom from a person's body. Invokes the angel Gabriel. There is an additional page written in a different hand, which mentions scorpions.
Stanzas of Judaeo-Arabic poetry in the voice of a woman, at least in part a complaint about domestic duties: spinning (al-mighzal al-mayshūm), perhaps a crying baby and sleepless nights, and possibly living with her mother-in-law and a stepdaughter. Dating: likely ca. 12th century, based on handwriting. Needs examination. ASE
Amulet, kabbalistic, large and colorfully illuminated.
Medical recipe, including list of spices, including sesame and pepper.
Magic recipe.
Magical recipe.
Magic recipe.
Recto: Medical recipes in Arabic script. Verso: A table in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals - significance unclear.
Medical recipes in Arabic script, including for cough.
Medical recipes in Arabic script in multiple hands, mentioning ingredients such as Isfahani kohl. Verso might be more of the same and might also contain some Arabic poetry.