Type: Paraliterary text

749 records found
Printed fragment in Arabic script, perhaps from a newspaper. Mentions a public auction, a telegram (risāla barqiyya), and something Austrian.
Recto: Recipe in Arabic script, maybe a medical prescription.
Magical text.
Colophon in the handwriting of Evyatar Ha-Kohen b. Eliyyahu Gaon.
From a volume of piyyuṭim for Yom Kippur. The title page gives the name of the author or owner twice: Aharon b. [...]. There are two more lines in Arabic script containing some pious phrases.
Instructions of some sort in Arabic script. Small fragment. On verso jottings in Hebrew script.
Medical recipes in Arabic script. Mentions opium at least twice.
Recipe in Arabic script. Likely a medical prescription.
Medical prescription in Arabic script.
Recipe in Arabic script, perhaps a medical prescription. Mentions marsh mallow (khiṭmiyya) and plum (ijjāṣ). On verso there are more unidentified jottings in Arabic script.
Jottings in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script, some of which mention al-Mawlā al-Makīn and a power of attorney (wikāla or wakāla). Dating: Perhaps late 12th or early 13th century.
List of periods referring to the length of time (year, months) - needs examination. (Info from FGP)
On recto a poem. On verso dedication (mostly in Judaeo-Arabic) from Shemaryahu Hakohen b. Aharon Hakohen to Aharon Hakohen b. Ya'aqov.
Scorpion amulet. Cf. JRL SERIES B 5682, ENA NS 73.12, and T-S AS 143.2
Astrological predictions regarding the occurrence of diseases and shortage of food. In Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL.)
Colophon: 'Written by Hannanya b. Mevorakh in honor of David, the president of the exiles of Israel son of Hizqiyahu Head of the exiles of Israel ... And it was bought by Ishaq b. Sa'adya'. AA
Recto: Narrative in a mixture of Arabic script and Hebrew script. Unclear how literary it is. FGP says that it is a Karaite work that quotes Binyamin al-Nahawandi. The Hebrew-script portion complains about a Christian named Marcus who has destroyed the land and is in cahoots with Saʿāda the secretary (kātib) in the dīwān. Resembles ENA 1822A.16. Needs further examination. Verso: Probably an alms list.
biblical verses and a few words of other text, followed by an elegy for the Nasi David b. Yehezkiya b. David. Yehezkiya nominated exilarch around 1021, See Franklin, This Noble House, p. 16. David, his son was a poet, middle of the eleventh century. See Franklin, p. 195, no. 27; 197, no. 43. A line of an official document in Arabic (needs examonation); On verso responsum concerning the possibility of reciting havdalah over bread
Astrological prognostications in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 1414 Seleucid, which is 1102/03 CE. Many colorful details about war, weather, and diseases (e.g., ramad/ophthalmia).
Amulet with tehillim.