Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Arabic, literary. Cites Galen.
Literary. In Arabic script. Wisdom literature.
Poetry. In Arabic script.
Literary fragment in Arabic script.
Literary text. In Arabic script. Leaf from an Arabic work on horoscopes/prognostications in a beautiful naskhī script. The horoscopes/prognostications are predicted for each day of an unknown month starting from the 3rd day of the month till the 14th. Some predictions include sound health, hearing good news, dispelling sorrows, and reuniting with family and loved ones. One distinctive feature of these horoscopes/prognostications is the phrase "wallāhu aʿlam" (God knows better) after each prediction.
Literary. Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Literary. Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Literary. Treatise in Arabic script on prosody (ʿilm al-ʿarūḍ).
Literary text in Arabic script. Repeatedly mentions amīr al-mu'minīn.
Biblical translation in Arabic, written in Arabic script. Exodus 2:3–9 and 2:12–17.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Arabic, literary.
Literary text in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.