Type: Paraliterary text

749 records found
Medical. List of simples (materia medica), including unripe grapes, pomegranate, zinc, pearls, sandalwood, saffron and camphor (FGP) Judeo Arabic
Liturgical text (qiddush?) for Passover. Signed: Shelomo b. [...]. Dated: Friday, 7 Nisan 1606 Seleucid, which is 1295 CE.
REcto: colophon of non-magical text. written by Evyatar b. Tuvia. The text below reads: בתאריך יום צום אלצגיר קלת נעים למכין אבנהא יא מצרוב באלצט אה אה אה Verso: בשמך רחמנה וחננא ובשם-... ובאברסכס... שאילת חלום (Info ftpm FGP by Gideon Bohak)
An amulet destined to silence the woman's opponents, particularly Abu al-Surur. The two people in question may perhaps be identified with a married couple mentioned in T-S 12.559, a release document given by Sa'adya b. Joshua, the father of a woman named Sitt al-Husn to her husband Perahya Abu al-Surur b. Yosef, after Sitt al-Husn's death. (Info from Bohak and Saar, Genizah magical texts prepared for or against named individuals, p. 87)
Goralot (info by Gidi Bohak FGP)
Magic Recipes (Info from Gidi Bohak FGP) and piyyut
Magic Recipes (info by Gidi Bohak FGP)
Rabbinica; probably from the preface to a work of rabbinic literature, but can also be from a letter; the author mentions having consulted the Tosefta; (info from FGP).
Work on the calendar
Amulet to make Yosef b. Amira (also known as Yosef b. Efrayim) return quickly to Fustat. The angels are called upon to not let him rest, and for him not to eat or drink or sleep, before he fulfills this wish. A family member back home (his wife?) had this amulet drawn up. AA, ASE, OZ.
descriptions of houses and gates, maybe for legal purposes, including the `eighth house belonging to Michael, `the commander of the army who is amputee' seems to be written by Natan b. Avraham Av
Liturgical text. A decorated colophon 'This is what was made to Farah the good and pleasant son of our greatness our minister ....' AA
udaeo-Arabic: astronomical work; Arabic: note, including the name Abu al-Fadail- needs examination. (info from FGP)
Calendar calculations
Fragment on geometry, with several figures. On verso also Arabic script. (FGP)
Magical recipe. To make X love Y? Mixture of Hebrew and Arabic characters (FGP)
Recto: Targum of Parashat Yitro. Verso: In large, calligraphic, Hebrew script: Shelomo b. Yiftaḥ, to al-Shaykh al-Ajall Abū l-ʿIzz.
Calendar calculations.
Dream interpretation. (FGP)
On the Coptic months (FGP)