Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Ink recipes. In Arabic script. One uses red anemones (shaqā'iq al-nuʿmān, Anemone coronaria). This work may be derivative of عمدة الكتّاب وعدة ذوي الألباب, which is attributed to al-Muʿizz b. Bādīs (https://al-maktaba.org/book/31950). But there are also substantial differences.
Arabic medical treatise on digestion.
Narrative literary work in Arabic script.
Poetry in Arabic script. Most lines are crossed out with a single horizontal line.
Arabic poetry, including reference to "a female slave singing with an ʿūd."
Wine poetry in Arabic.
Medical notebook/handbook in Arabic script.
Arabic, literary.
Literary text in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script. Including a section on diseases of the brain.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Arabic poetry. With a popular character: it has extremely short verses with dense rhymes: (1) wa-starhabūhā al-ruhbān. . . wa-staqsamū [..] al-ṣulbān. . . (2) yā ṣāḥ ludhdh bi-alwāḥ wa-nhaḍ [...] al-afrāḥ [...] al-mirāḥ [...] al-aqdāḥ. The latter poem is full of conventional love imagery and reminiscent of Yemeni Shabazian poetry (but there is nothing to suggest that this fragment is late or that it has any connection with Yemen or even with Jews). There is also what may be a name of a woman: Ghālī bt. al-Dawālī.
Medical treatise in Arabic script. Faded.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical text in Arabic script. Instructions on interacting with the patient, it seems.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.