Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Literary text in Arabic script. Faded.
Literary text in Arabic script. Faded.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Literary text in Arabic script. Citing two verses attributed to Abū Nuwās.
Literary text in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script. Lovely handwriting. Including prescriptions for hair loss and instructions for a recipe based on almond oil.
Medical treatise in Arabic script. "If the yellow bile burns, a strong fright ensues. . . the cure of phrenitis (birsām) is. . . "
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Medical treatise in Arabic script. Agaric (al-ghāriqūn). . . Turbid (turpeth). . .
Medical treatise in Arabic script.
Literary text in Arabic script. Narrative of Alexander the Great.
Literary text in Arabic script. The adventures of Alexander the Great.
Piyyutim, including one by Hayya Gaon 'on the name of' R. Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq b. Milqaṭa ha-Ḥazzan.
Book, ownership page, in Arabic script: "this is the copy of Abu al-hasan" in small Hebrew script: "This is what Shemarya b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi bought with the money he laboured for" .
Piyyutim with a date as if it was a legal document 1117
Megillat Miṣrayim
Two songs with musical notation by Obadiah the Proselyte. See https://johannes-obadiah.org/, Obadiah Musical Compositions, Song 1.
Bible commentary or midrash