Type: Letter

10477 records found
Informal note in Arabic script. On a long, horizontal strip of paper. Dating: Perhaps 12th or 13th century. In which the addressee is asked to send the children, "for the day is short, lest they lose the benefit." Possibly the sender is their teacher. He says that they need to make progress in العزلى(?). On verso there is a pious aphorism, also in Arabic script.
Verso: Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Discusses at length a family in distress on account of poverty and the capitation tax; the specific details are not clear. The word "complaint" (shakwā) appears several times. The handwriting may be known from other fragments. Written by Meir b. Hillel b. Zadoq (Date: mid 12th century) from Alexandria
Recipe written on a spare piece of parchment. Simples included are for example Roman bole and horned poppy. Possibly belonging to a letter as the continuation sign typical for letters (which the PGP team calls "the glyph") is written on the top. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter in Arabic script. Nearly completely preserved. The address is faded, and the names are difficult to read. Dating: Likely 12th or 13th century, based on hand and format. Reports on "the old man and the old woman" (al-shaykh wa-l-ʿajūz); reports on the price of silk in Fustat; the sender offers to come out to the addressee's location (recto, upper margin). Needs further examination.
Business letter in Arabic and Hebrew script from an anonymous trader from the circle of Yosef al-Tāhirtī
Fragment of a letter in New Persian mentioning a certain Kamāl al-Dīn; datable to the 11th-12th centuries. A citation of Deuteronomy 28:22 is given at the bottom part of the verso: בשחפת ובקדחת ובדלקת ובחרחור ובחרב ובשדפון ובירקון ורדפוך. The fragment is labeled "L22" in Shaul Shaked's (unpublished) classification of Early Judeo-Persian texts. OH
Order to Abu l-Najm to pay a certain number of nuqra dirhams. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably early 13th century.
Note addressed to 'mawlāy al-rashīd' asking him to draw up an account (of money owed) on the sender's behalf for 'al-mawlā al-jalīl al-dayyān.' There are accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals on the other side -- maybe the addressee complied with the request. Dating: Likely late 12th or early 13th century based on the titles used.
Letter in Arabic script. Rudimentary hand. Mentions small business transactions.
Family letter in Arabic script. In a rudimentary hand. Addressed to a woman, Umm [...], in Fustat.
Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script. Reads in part: "as the elders of the Bedouins resolved..." (ka-mā ʿazama shuyūkh al-ʿarab...).
Possibly a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Damaged and faded. On the other side there is an unidentified text in Arabic script.
Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script.
Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script. The beginnings of 6 lines are preserved. Mostly conventional formulae.
Brief note addressed to al-mawlā al-faqīh ʿAlī.
Letter fragment in Arabic script.
Verso: Letter/petition requesting a covering (? kiswa). In Arabic script. Recto: Undeciphered document in Arabic script. Both sides need further examination.
Undeciphered document in Arabic script. Might be a brief letter since the word 'al-makhdūm' appears at the end of the first line and there may be stylized signatures at the bottom. Dating: Probably Mamluk or early Ottoman era.
Recto: Upper part of a letter or letter formulary. In Arabic script, with all the diacritics and vowels. Verso: Prayer in Arabic script.
Note addressed to Manṣūr b. Thanāʾ al-[...]. In Arabic script. Mentions ʿIzz al-Dīn. Unclear what the request is.