Type: Letter

10477 records found
Late letter to David ibn Naim
Letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Needs examination.
Late letter, much faded
Business letter from [...] b. Yeḥezqel. Fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions indigo (nīl) and bamboo chalk (ṭabāshīr) and a merchant named Yiṣḥaq.
Small fragment from a letter. Only few words preserved.
Much damaged fragment from the end of a private late letter.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the arrival of a letter and the sender's stress (ולולא אני אנצגטת...). Essentially nothing else is preserved.
Letter from Abū l-Faraj b. Ma[ṣliaḥ?]. Addressed to Fustat (אלא מצר חמאה תע). None of the content is preserved.
Postcard in Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. The printed template is headed "Union Postale Universelle Egypte Carte Postale اتحاد الپوسته العام مصر تذکره پوسته." Dating: probably late 19th or early 20th century. Mentions someone surnamed Ashkenazi. Needs further examination for content.
Letter in Hebrew. Small fragment. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 16th century.
Letter in Hebrew. Dating: Late, perhaps 17th century or later. Mentions names such as Yiṣḥaq and Eliyya. Needs further examination.
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Not much remains of the content.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (lower left corner). Sends regards to various people. Mentions that someone's son has "become a man" (l. 3). On verso there are some accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning wine.
Letter addressed to a dignitary (מושב שרינו, verso l. 4). In Judaeo-Arabic. It is exceedingly faded. The largest block of still-preserved text, at the bottom of recto, includes the phrases "I assailed them (saṭawtu ʿalayhim) [and said to them], 'You seek evil things!' And we left..." Ends with the phrase וסלאמנא מעהו(?) יגדל נצח סלה ישע רב.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Sephardi hand, probably late. Mentions the arrival of a ship. The sender is preoccupied about a lock.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Wide space between the lines. Communal/official. Mentions al-jamāʿa al-maḥrūsa. Not much else is preserved.
Letter addressed to a dignitary. In Arabic script. Wide space between the lines. On recto, only pieces of two lines from the beginning are preserved.
Letter in Ladino, probably. Needs examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (upper right corner). Late.
Family letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 14th century. Needs examination.