Type: Letter

10477 records found
Much faded and stained letter in Maghrebi hand.
Long document in Ladino, probably a family letter. Needs further examination.
Document in Ladino, probably a family letter. Needs further examination.
Minute fragment from a end of a letter
Fragment from a late private letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a woman who is in great distress.
Recto: Petition from a woman. In Arabic script. She is "cut-off" (munqaṭiʿa) and poor (ṣuʿlūka). Not much else is preserved. On verso there is a contributors list in the hand of Maimonides (see separate record).
Probably a late letter in Judaeo-Arabic, in a striking purple ink.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Written in purple ink. Dating: Probably 19th century. Joins: Oded Zinger.
On recto two drafts of a letter reporting about Yiṣḥaq Perdonel, likely a recommendation. Late. In Hebrew. On verso accounts in Judaeo-Arabic (possibly with some words in Ladino). See T-S AS 153.138 and T-S 13J24.22 for other documents related to the Perdonel family.
Small fragment of a letter in Ladino.
Very late Judeao Arabic private letter addressed to Ibrahim
Minute fragment probably from a letter
Small fragment from a letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Late? "We stayed for 11 days...." Addressed to [...] b. [Morenu] ve-Rabbenu Asaf ha-Kohen (ZL).
Business letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Sent from Jerusalem (min al-quds, l. 2). Extremely faded. Dating: Probably 11th century. Mentions [...] b. Benaya. On verso the name ʿUmar b. Yūsuf is written in Arabic script; this is part of the address but is not necessarily the name of the sender - might be one of the mail carriers. AA. ASE.
A letter from Yehuda Tirani to Shimshon b. Shemuel, 17th century. The writer is in a harsh financial situation and has difficulties to pay his debt to Othman, and has been arrested. He is asking the addressee to approach to the minister in order to assist him. (data from FGP by Abraham David)
A damaged letter from a merchant. 16th century. A sale of wheat and cheese is mentioned, and few names such as PYMH פיימה, David Shamno, Elya the minister and Rabbi Shelomo. (Data from FGP by Abrahan David)
Letter in Ladino with part of a responsum on verso.
Much damaged and faded letter by Yefet b. Menashshe, Halfon's brother.
Short note send from Egyptץ The writer informing that he was taken to the house of the wali and from there to the judge, and suffered heavy loses. (Data by Abraham David in FGP)
Letter from Avraham Maimonides, autograph. In Judaeo-Arabic. Begins with the motto הנה אל ישועתי. Addressed to the ḥaver, morenu ve-rabbenu, Yosef. This is a letter of recommendation for Yaʿqūb b. Dani'el: "he is in in grave need" (fa-huwa fī ḍurūra akhīdha wa-ʿindahu qaṭʿa(?) wa-qillat ḥīla); "appoint a guardian for him" (? tawaṣṣā bihi); "he is deserving"; mentions Peraḥya and other people in the margin; then, "encourage them to help him according to your ability" (tuḥarrikhum fī ḥaqqihi ḥasaba ṭāqatika). Information largely from Friedman's Dictionary (pp. 11, 209, 308, 762). ASE.