Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter (or perhaps legal document) in Hebrew. Dating: Likely 11th century. Some of the phrases are similar to those of ENA NS 18.38 (e.g., בכל יכלו ובכל מאודו). Mentions Manṣūr b. ʿEli ha-Levi. Very faded.
Business letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Late, probably 18th or 19th century. Discussing accounts, including the phrase נומרו בנומרו (numero be-numero). May also involve indigo (אניל). Needs examination.
Opening of a letter to the yeshiva in Safed, from the beginning of the 16th century. The sender is informing on the demise of Shemuel Bahalul. (Data from FGP by Avaraham David)
Verso: Letter, faded and damaged, in a Maghrebi hand. Bilbays is mentioned. AA.
Ladino letter from one woman to another; the writer lives in the Holy Land and asks for the recipient's charity. Information from http://www.investigacion.cchs.csic.es/judeo-arabe/sites/investigacion.cchs.csic.es.judeo-arabe/files/Genizah-Al-Andalus.pdf.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (upper right corner of recto, part of the address on verso). Addressed to [...] b. al-Mubārak b. Dāʾūd, in Jerusalem. The sender's name should be legible with effort. The body of the letter refers to having sent 25(?) of something (dinars?). May be an indirect join with T-S AS 219.122. Needs further examination. On verso there is also an imprint of mirror letters from an Hebrew literary text. This fragment may have come from a book binding, judging from the state of the paper.
Letter in Arabic script. Large fragment, missing the beginning and the address (though there is some writing in Arabic script on verso). May be an indirect join with T-S AS 219.119. This fragment may have come from a book binding, judging from the state of the paper. Needs examination for content.
See T-S AS 219.131.
A mirror imprint of T-S AS 219.129 - but much easier to read. A business letter, much damaged and faded, but certainly belong to India Book. Madmun, Abu Zikri and [Isha]q Nafusi are mentioned. A public auction of silk is mentioned (see also CAJS 344, IB H89), and a shipment to Alexandria. AA
Minute fragment probably from a letter, but not a single complete word is preserved.
Beginning of a letter, torn and damaged
Minute fragment from a letter, only few words are preserved.
Much damaged and faded, almost illegible fragment of a letter, probably written by Yefet b. Menashshe Halevi.
Small fragment of a letter in the hand of Yefet b. Menashshe. Probably sent to one of his brothers. Damaged.
Minute fragment from an opening of a letter
Minute fragment from an opening of a letter. Much faded
Minute fragment from the end of a letter.
Much damaged and faded small fragment from a letter
Fragment of a letter. Ben Maimun may he rest in peace is mentioned- might refer to Maimonides, but the context is unclear due to the fragmentary state of the letter.
See T-S AS 205.53.