Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Literary work: Migdal Oz.
Judaeo-Arabic literary work, quoting Deuteronomy 28:13.
Narrative literary text in Judaeo-Arabic. Or less likely a long letter written in the format of a literary text. Dating: Probably 17th–19th century. Conveying a dialogue between two men. Mentions things such as Christians, a family with a daughter and a son, going to the bath, marriage. Needs further examination. AA. ASE.
One side: A prayer in Hebrew (each phrase begins תתברך) in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. The other side: Judaeo-Arabic poetry, also in Nāṣir's hand. This is followed by a recipe of some sort, possibly (but not necessarily) medical. It involves linseed oil, drying something in the sun for 4 days, the seeds of a green watermelon, something being washed, then placing something in the sun for 7 days.
The opening page of a book in Judaeo-Arabic by al-ʿĀrif al-Māhir. . . al-Mutaṭabbib. . .
A piece of the opening page of the abridgement of the Karaite linguist Abu l-Faraj Harun's "Hidayat al-Qari" (aka Kitab al-Shurut). See the edition by Ilan Eldar (based on Genizah documents), "Mukhtasar Hidayat al-Qari," Leshonenu, 51 (1986–87), pp. 3–41. ASE.
Hebrew poetry, late.
List of parshiyot.
A qinna for Tisha b'Av dated 5535 (1775 CE). There may be a faded signature that includes the name Yaʿaqov.
Judaeo-Arabic translation or paraphrase of the story of Avraham and Avimelekh in Genesis.
Rabbinic literary work.