Type: Letter

10477 records found
Recto: Letter of recommendation in Arabic script. Abū Yūsuf Munajjā asks the addressee in Alexandria to help the bearer, Abū l-Faraj the scholar. (Join by OZ and information from OZ and NV.) Reused for a Hebrew composition in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī.
Family letter in Arabic script. The writer mentions visiting Ḥamā (kunt batnazzal ilā Ḥamā); reports that he/she now has three daughters; sends regards to a brother and conveys Ḥamāma's regards as well. On verso there is a ṣiduq ha-din in Hebrew. Dating: The handwriting looks late, perhaps no earlier than 14th century
Legal document or letter in Arabic script. Might be about a marital dispute. Large and relatively well-preserved. Needs examination. On verso there is piyyut.
Brief letter from Abū l-Surūr to a faqīh. Needs examination for content. On recto there is Hebrew poetry.
Draft of a letter (or writing exercise) in Arabic script in a crude hand. The name Shelomo appears in between the lines in Hebrew script. On recto there is Hebrew poetry.
Torn fragment of fiscal accounts, probably. Mentions either "dyeing" (al-ṣibāgh) or "the villages" (al-ḍiyāʿ) and a sum of 500 dirhams. This has been torn and reused for a brief informal letter in Arabic script, instructing the addressee to do something with the bearer and something about "the market tonight." Needs further examination. On verso there is piyyut.
Letter. In Arabic script. Wide space between the lines. On verso there is Hebrew literary text.
Letter in Arabic script. Addressed to a certain Isḥāq in Ramla. Needs examination.
Letter, probably. Looks like a draft of a letter of appeal in Hebrew, with only formulaic phrases. In the margins and all over verso, there are medical and dental prescriptions/recipes.
Letter or petition in Arabic script. Huge space between the lines. "...wa-shawqahu ilā naẓrihi..."
Letter in Arabic script. Only the beginnings of the first four lines are preserved.
Letter in Arabic script. Only one line is preserved.
Arabic letter - needs examination.
A formula of a letter to a notable
Large Arabic letter mentioning ships. Left side is burnt or at least discolored. On verso there is piyyut. Needs examination.
Fragment of a letter, probably. In Arabic script. The beginnings of ~7 lines are preserved. Mentions Ibn Khālawayh and his Grammar; then some phrases which are tricky to understand: الافاضل لقيتهم... وحصل لوليه طبقة في النحو.... Then refers to excerpts of "my poetry" (من شعري قطعة بعد قطع), then cites verses of poetry about old age: بان الشباب وجاء الشيب... وحالفتني الذرايا والخطوب دمعا... وخانني.... The first verse appears also in the chronicle/memoir of Usāma Ibn Munqidh, there attributed to the amir Abū Shujāʿ (بان الشباب وجاء الشيب يصحبه يا ليتها صحبة تبقى بلا بين). The other side of this document was reused for Hebrew poetry in the hand of a prolific scribe (see FGP Joins Suggestions).
Letter addressed to "my son," in Fustat. In Arabic script. Probably from his mother, since "your father" is mentioned in the third person several times. The bulk of the content is expressions of longing and rebukes for not having written. They received the letter of the addressee's paternal aunt. On verso there is a piece of the address and Hebrew piyyut.
Letter fragment (upper left corner). From Peraḥya b. Yosef al-A[...]. Only the Hebrew opening with biblical verses and poetical blessings is preserved. There are also a few words in Judaeo-Arabic and/or Hebrew on verso.
Fragment from an Arabic letter on verso. - needs examination.
Family letter in Arabic script. Mentions transactions of small sums of money and a malḥafa (type of garment). Mentions Makārim and Abū Isḥāq. Greetings from Munajjā and the addressee's brother-in-law Makārim. Reused for Hebrew piyyut.