Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Hebrew literary work.
The text of a sermon for parshat Aharey Mot, late.
Fragment from a late Hebrew literary work, discussing oneg shabbat.
Images 1 and 4: Parshat Naso. Image 2: Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script. Image 3: Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic business letter mentioning flax, turbans, two dinars, other garments, and something the writer has in the house of Rabbi Binyamin.
Very faded bifolium in Hebrew script, probably literary.
Late fragment with scattered recipes in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic, mostly medical, but one is also titled "for banishing mice."
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic literary work.
Some sort of index arranged by Hebrew roots, alongside other very damaged text.
First fragment: likely piyyut or prayer. Second fragment: tiny piece of a printed literary text, likely the bible.
Hebrew literary work, including the penultimate verse of Ecclesiastes (sof davar...).
List of verses or piyyutim, probably.
very faded, almost illegible.
Literary work in Hebrew. Dating: Probably late. Possibly horoscopes or prognostications based on given names, including Gedalya and Yeḥezqel.
Hebrew poetry.
A Maimonides autograph of the Guide for the Perplexed. Information from FGP.
Wine and/or love poem in Judaeo_Arabic. In the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. This is one of the fragments that he signs (וגא נאצר כתבת אביאת פי דרגי ופי אלחאני).
Literary text, predominantly in Aramaic, discussing Jerusalem and the Temple.