Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter from a certain Yiṣḥaq, in איל שובֿיש(?), to his 'brother' Eliyya b. Ḥayyim, in Egypt. In Ladino. The writer complains about having to be there and not being able to earn enough money to eat. Needs further examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Much of it seems to be an apology. Mentions coming to Cairo and a qāḍī. On verso there are accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
On recto a draft of opening lines of a letter in a childish hand, One verso few lines from an Arabic document- needs examination.
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. This is a long and well-preserved letter from somebody close to the communal leadership (mentions the Gaon, Av Bet Din, etc) in Fustat/Cairo. Should be edited.
Letter from Dā'ūd to Eliyya ha-Rav ha-Gadol. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions various Talmudic tractates that he has studied and Ibn al-Maqdisī and Abū l-Mufaḍḍal and a woman who died.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The 'brother's' ship is still by the lighthouse (manāra) and has not yet sailed because the wind is blowing westward. Mentions a quarrel between Avraham b. Hilāl and his in-laws. Verso: accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Abū l-Faraj Ibn al-Rayyis (=Eliyyahu the Judge). Mentions receiving a letter from a woman about her brother-in-law who went to the army. There are a few lines in Arabic script on verso, likely the address.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Terrible handwriting.
Very damaged and faded letter, seems to be dealing with personal issues. The writer is approving receiving a letter informing him of the demise of a person whose name is not readable. He also mentions the gentiles, but the text is too fragmentary to put it in context. AA
A note, or a draft, regarding releasing of debts
Letter written by Yefet b. Menashshe, mostly dealing with general issues. A trip to Sicily is mentioned.
Two lines from an opening of a letter from Abu al-Barakat b. al-Rayyis, probably Shelomo b. Elya. AA
Almost complete but faded and damaged business letter. The writer informs that he bought something from al-Dibaji. A funduq is repeatedly mentioned. AA
Probably a copy of a letter to leaders of a community, from Avraham Maimuni or one of his contemporaries. The scribe is known from two other copies of such letter, ENA 3200.3, ENA 2875.40. AA
A letter to Berakhot b. Aharon in a childish hand.
Fragment of a private letter
Minute fragment of a letter.
Very faded and damaged letter, from Yosef b. Ya'aqov to Avraham b. Hasan(?)