Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Tiny fragment in Hebrew, probably from a prayer.
Literary text in Samaritan script and Arabic script.
Epistle concerning the messianic activities of Barukh Gad. In Ladino. Attributed to the imaginary King Aḥiṭuv b. ʿAzarya, ha-Nasi Yehoṣadaq b. ʿAzza, and ha-Zaqen Uriel b. Elyasaf. Versions of the same letter (in Hebrew) are dated to 1645/46 CE (e.g., K Visotski, Haschiloah: Litterarisch-wissenschaftliche Monatsschrift, Volume 1 (1896), p. 140). On this copy, one of the pages was reused for accounts/sums.
Sīrat ʿAntar. In Judaeo-Arabic. There are at least 300 pages from the same volume scattered through the Geniza:
Text in Spanish and Hebrew. There are numerous tiny pieces from the same text or even the same page in the span of shelfmarks JRL SERIES G 79–99. Also JRL SERIES B 5344. Will probably need to be assembled in person rather than on FGP
Several stanzas of Judaeo-Arabic poetry, at least partly about wine; late.
Several pages of Judaeo-Arabic poetry on religious themes.
Probably from Toldot Yeshu.
Mystical poetry in Judaeo-Arabic ("shughl ilāhī").
Literary. Tafsīr on the Song of Songs. Verso: Also contains two lines in Arabic script, part or all of which is a name (Abū l-Riḍā. . . Abū l-Faḍl).
Arabic poetry. On parchment. Looks old, perhaps 10th century or earlier. Contains the following verses by al-Imām al-Shāfiʿī: فمن لي بهذا] ليت أني وجدته لقاسمته ما لي من الحسنات تصفحت] إخواني فكان أقلهم على كثرة الإخوان أهل ثقاتي Underneath a variant of: وزمت] مطايانا إلى برزخ البلى وساقت بنا سوقا حثيثا فأسرعت On the facing page, possibly an excerpt from a letter or a letter formulary.
Yosef ibn ʿAqnīn's (d.1220) Inkishāf al-Asrār wa-Ẓuhūr al-Anwār (commentary on the Song of Songs). There are numerous joins. Information from FGP.
Fragment from the introduction and beginning of Yehuda b. David Ḥayyūj's Kitab al-Afʿāl Dhawāt Ḥurūf al-Līn ('The Book of Verbs Containing Weak Letters'). Information from FGP.
Theological treatise or commentary on Genesis. Information from FGP.
Commentary on Parašat Ve-Zot ha-Beraḵa (Deuteronomy 33 and 34). (Information from CUDL.)
Saʿadya’s Bible translation of Genesis with Hebrew incipits. On f. 1 Genesis 18:9-19; on f. 2 Genesis 20:6-21:1. (Information from CUDL.)
Saʿadya’s Bible translation and commentary on Isaiah 63:6-7 and 64:6-11. (Information from CUDL.)
Saʿadya’s Bible translation and commentary on selected verses from Ecclesiastes 7:2-8:1. Whole Hebrew verses are given with Tiberian vocalisation. (Information from CUDL.)
Rhymed work on historical themes from the Bible, with requests and prayers. (Information from CUDL.)
Judaeo-Arabic translation of various prayers, such as והוא רחום, אשר בדברות, אהבת עולם, אמת ואמונה, השכיבנו, ברוך ה' לעולם with the beginning of the Hebrew prayer as incipit. (Information from CUDL.)