Type: State document

1081 records found
Bottom of a decree, probably. "...[al-madh]kūra ʿalā farāʾīd Allāh ʿazza wa-jalla..." Then a ṣalwala at the bottom. Reused for piyyut on verso.
Petition. Small fragment. Contains a taqbīl clause (and not much else). Reused for a text in Judaeo-Arabic (prognostications or dream interpretations?).
Recto: Fragment possibly from the bottom of a petition to a royal woman: al-sulṭāna al-malika al-ṭāhira. Cf. ENA 3974.6, ENA 3974.3, and Bodl. MS heb. b. 18/23 for other documents with royal women. Mentions "the districts" (al-aʿmāl) in the next line. Verso: Grocery list/account in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals: meat, sesame oil, lemon, firewood, pepper, ىىده, and spinach (isfānakh).
State document or likely a draft of one. One section ends with the phrase “to the chancery (Dīwān al-Inshāʾ).” There might be a mamlūk and a ḥaḍra and (sideways) wa-ʿalā ābāʾihi al-ṭāhirīn wa-abnāʾīhi al-akramīn. On recto there is Hebrew poetry/piyyut.
Official correspondence. Possibly addressed to a governor (per FGP). Approximately 7 lines are preserved. Mentions Ḥisn al-Dawla b. [...] and his son. Asks for a disbursement of funds from the treasury (وانه موعود باطلاق من الخزانة). The spaces between the lines are filled with various undeciphered jottings and letter drafts. On verso there is a Hebrew poem
Fatimid state document. Needs examination.
On verso two lines from an official Arabic document - needs examination.
Few words from an Arabic official document - needs examination.
Few words from an Arabic official document - needs examination.
On verso few words from an Arabic official document. Needs examination
See T-S NS 110.14 for description.
Lower left corner of an official letter in Arabic script. Content unclear. On verso there is piyyut.
On verso few words from Arabic official document - needs examination.
Unidentified document in large Arabic script. Fiscal account? Reused on both recto and verso for Hebrew liturgical text (three different hands).
Document in Arabic script in a chancery hand. Portions of five lines are preserved including "fa-qad kāna l-mamlūk sharaḥa...."
Receipt for the capitation tax for Khalaf b. Yaʿqūb in Fustat. Dated: Looks like 551 AH, which would be 1156/57 CE if correct.
Receipt for the capitation tax of Bū [...] b. Khalaf in Fustat for the year 530 AH = 1135/36 CE.
Petition addressed to a dignitary. In Arabic script. The petitioner may be named Abū ʿAlī b Abū Bakr al-Bazzāz (the clothier). Needs further examination.
Capitation tax receipt. For Eliyya b. Yehuda(?). Needs examination.
State document. Accounts from the central fisc. Begins: waṣala ilā bayt al-māl al-maʿmūr.... Lower down refers to Mālik b. Ibrāhīm. In the bottom text block on recto, may refer to the capitation tax. At the bottom of recto there is a ṣalwala. There are registration mottos (ʿalāʾīm) on both recto and verso. Needs further examination. ASE & MR.