Type: Letter

10477 records found
Non-Geniza. Letter addressed to the Qaraite judge Shemuel b. Avraham, in Troki. Dating: Probably 5560 AM, which is 1800 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Moshe b. Simḥa, in Lutsk, to Shelomo Yedidya, in Troki. Dating: Catalogued as 1726 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Shemuel to Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham, in Ponevezh (Panevėžys). Dating: Catalogued as 1739 CE.
Letter from Fāris b. Ibrāhīm, probably in Jerusalem, to Elishaʿ Fayrūz and Yūsuf Sanbūlī (=Sṭanbūlī?, of Istanbul), probably in Fustat/Cairo. In (rudimentary) Hebrew. Dated: 11 Av 5484 AM, which is 1724 CE. The writer reports that 9 Qaraite pilgrims arrived from Jerusalem, including David Shoḥeṭ, Moshe, and Yaʿaqov Kohen. They were charged 23 אלטס en route in Ramle, and they said, "Our peqid in Jerusalem will pay for us." The צוהדר(?) of a government official came and demanded that amount from the writer (evidently the peqid of the Qaraite community of Jerusalem). He had no money with which to pay, so he went and took out a loan from 'the gentiles.' Now, after interest, he owes more than 35 אלטס. If someone objects that the Qaraites of Damascus should cover this expense, (the answer is not entirely clear; something is very bad in Damascus, and one cannot even walk in the roads). The addressees are asked to get the pilgrims (now back in Egypt) to send the reimbursement for the expense that the writer incurred on their behalf. "For the sake of God, they should send me the response, (or?) then I will go to Damascus, and these people will bear their sin." The letter closes with regards to various people in Fustat/Cairo and a reminder to send more charity to Jerusalem and two signatures of other people who confirm the writer's claims. In the address: "He who reads this without permission (reshuto), may he be buried without his shroud (kesuto)." The name Moshe Meyuḥas appears on the same side as the address, context unclear.
Non-Geniza. Letter addressed to Shalom b. Simḥa, in שאטא/Szaty/Šėta. Dating: Catalogued as 1735 CE.
A letter to Avraham b. Mordechai informing him on the arrival of government officials to Vilna (now in Lithuania).
A letter to the Karaites in Crimea. Contains a legal query and responsum regarding a marriage of two brothers- one married Simha's sister and the other one wanted to marry Simha's daughter. They wanted to know if such marriage are permitted. The answer is yes, it is.
A long 19th century Karaite letter
Long letter from Troki (Trakai in Lithuania) to Kokizwo
A booklet contains mostly literary texts. On p. 28 to the end- the letter from Yosef king of the Khazaes to Ibn Shiprut
Long letter discussing various issues. Few cities are mentioned e.g. Warsaw.
Short letter from Troki (today in Lithuania). From Shmuel b. Avraham
A long letter to Yosef b. Ishaq, from Mordechai b. Avraham, who also signed his name in cypher.
Draft of a letter
Hebrew letter from the community of Heliz(?) to Qal'a, probably both in modern day Istanbul.
Letter from 1627. Polish poem? on the verso
Copes of letters sent to Troki (now in Lithuania)
Hebrew letter sent to Trakai (today in Lithuania). Mentioning a declaration given to the Karaite community in the region of Vilna and Luzka (today in Poland).