Type: Letter

10477 records found
Karaite letter mentions various place in Lithuania ?
Long letter from Yosef Troki to Eliyyahu Bashyachi
Long letter to Ishaq b. Abraham the Karaite
Letter to Shmuel b. Yosef the Karaite
A long letter from Avraham b. Levi to Yehuda b. Moshe from Luzk (Probably Luzki in modern day Poland)
A letter to Shmuel b. Yosef
Copies of letters sent from Kosdina to Troki
Letter of condolence to Avraham b. Berakaha. In Hebrew. Dating: Catalogued as 18th century. Several other people are named in the letter.
Non-Geniza. Letter to Avraham b. Aharon of Troki. 1680 CE. (Information from NLI.)
Non-Geniza. Letter from Avraham b. Simḥa, in Kukeziv (Ukraine), to Sar Shalom b. Simḥa, in Novgorod. 1719 CE. Information from NLI.
A letter from Yosef b. Ishaq to Mordechai b. Ishaq
A letter from Yeshu'a Yosef b. Moshe to Avraham b. Moshe
A letter from Avraham to Shlomo b. Aharon
A letter to Yoashiyahu b. Yehuda
A letter to Shmuel b. Aharon
A letter to Yosef b. Moshe Hazan from David b. Mordechai Kokizov, from the Holy community of Yefe Ya'ar to Luzki.
A short note from Ishaq 'Uziel acknowledge receiving a letter
A letter to Yosef KOhen in Qal'a from Qosdina
A letter testifies that the marriage payment was returned to the bride's family and she is now permitted to marry another and the divorce is completed.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Avraham b. Yaʿaqov to Yehuda b. Moshe. In Hebrew, Ashkenazi hand. Dated: 10 Adar II 5570 AM, which is 1810 CE.