Type: Letter

10477 records found
Non-Geniza. Letter from the community of Veliky Novgorod (? עיר חדשה) to the community of Brisk (=Brest). In Hebrew. Dealing with distressing edicts and a large sum of money that has to be raised. Mentions Vilna and the names of several people. Dated, but the date is difficult to read. Information in part from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Shemuel, in Halych, to his son Yosef b. Shemuel in יפה יער(?). In Hebrew. Information from NLI.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Moshe b. Yaʿaqov to Simḥa b. Ẓadoq. Dated: 1731 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yosef b. Shemuel to Yosef b. Moshe ha-Hazzan, in Lutzk. Dated: 1806 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yosef Shelomo b. Moshe Lutzki to Shemuel b. Yeshuʿa. Dated: 1801 CE.
Non-Geniza probably. Letter addressed to Simḥa ha-Ḥakham ha-Ḥazzan, in Istanbul. Mentions a previous letter sent to Yevpatoria (גוזלווא). Dated: 1809 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Shalom b. Yeshuʿa, in Halych (העליץ), to Yosef b. Moshe, in Lutzk (לוצק). Requesting a recommendation. Dated: 1755 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Simḥa b. Ẓadoq, in Lutzk, to his wife Shelomit bt. Yosef ha-Zaqen, in Halych. Dated: 1802 CE.
Non-Geniza. Letter from Simḥa b. Shelomo ha-Qusdini, in Istanbul, to Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo, in Chufut-Kale (קירקייר), Crimea (קירים האי). Dated: 1789 CE.
Letters to Yosef b. Moshe the Cantor.
Letter to Shalom b. Zekharya, mostly on family matters.
A long letter with a query regarding the laws of marriage, sent to Simha b. Shlomo. On the back of the page account in Arabic ot Ottoman Turkish and some words in Russian.
A letter to Sar Shalom
Later to Dov Ber Hakohen
Letter to Shmuel b. Yosef
On recto a letter in Hebrew. On verso another text probably in Judeo Turkish
A letter to Mordechai b. Nisan dealing with Kabalistic matters
A letter to Moshe b. Ya'aqov from Ya'aqov Shalom b. Yosef.
A letter to the community of Qal'a about permissiveness in the community.
A private letter from Yehuda b. Moshe to Yosef Shlomo b. Moshe Luzki, mostly on private issues.