Type: Letter

10477 records found
A letter to Shlomo b. Nahmo Yerushalmi (his name is written in acrostic on the write column) asking for financial support. The writer residing in a house of someone from the community and doesn't want to be a burden upon him.
An appeal to the heads of the Karaite leaders in Lithuania
A letter to Shmuel the teacher
A letter to Ya'aqov Kohen the cantor from Guzlawa from Ishaq b. Yosef
A letter to the Karaite community in Luzk.
An appeal to the Karaite community of 'New City'
An appeal from the Karaite community of Qal'a to the community of Kafa/Kana
A letter to Hillel the teacher
A letter to Avraham b. Shmuel Halevi
A letter to Hacham Binyamin
Letter from Eliyyahu b. Yiṣḥaq to Shmuel the teacher. In Hebrew. Dating: ca. 18th century. About a cantor, R. Shelomo Kohen, who doesn't know Hebrew well. (Information in part from NLI catalogue.)
Non-Geniza. A letter the the community of Luzk from Mordechai b. Shmuel
Non-Geniza. Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo, in Chufut-Kale, to Simḥa b. Shelomo, in Istanbul. Dating: Second half of the 18th century.r Regarding monetary and legal issues.
A letter to the community of Troki from Vilna
Letter sent from Jerusalem to Egypt/Cairo. In Hebrew. Asking for support for the poor and the scholars of the community of Jerusalem. The sender describes his journey to Jerusalem by way of Gaza. He describes the difficult state of the community in Jerusalem, including allegations that they owe money to the government. Mentions people in Egypt/Cairo such as Yiṣḥaq Reʾuven and Avraham Luria. Mentions people in Qaṭya such as Moshe Skandari and Barukh Saragosi. Also mentions the sage of Jerusalem ʿAzarya (Zeʾevi). (Information from NLI catalogue.)
A letter to the community of Vilna
A letter from Vilna
A letter from Yosef Shlomo b. Moshe Luzki to his son Avraham
Non-Geniza. A letter from the community of Chufut Kale to Istanbul regarding monetary matters.
Non-Geniza. An appeal to the leaders of the community of Vilna from Ponibez (Panevėžys in Lithuania)