Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Recto: Poems by Yehuda ha-Levi, copied by the India trader Avraham Ibn Yijū. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index card)
Palimpsest consisting of the Palestinian Talmud (including Peʾa 18d and 20b-c and Šeqalim, 44a-b; 46b), written over a Syriac text, The Life of St Anthony by Athanasius of Alexandria. Edited in Lewis (1902: 146–49) as text XXXV. (Information from CUDL)
Christian liturgical fragment in Greek.
Palimpsest, with Palestinian Talmud, ʿEruvin 20d-21d, written over a Syriac version of Hosea 14:4-10; Joel 1:1-2:20. (Information from CUDL.)
Palimpsest, with Palestinian Talmud, ʿEruvin 20d-21d, written over a Syriac version of 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13; 4:1-14. (Information from CUDL)
Palimpsest, Sifra 11d-12c, with 2 Kings 2:4 written in the lower margins in a different hand, over an unidentified Syriac text containing a quotation from the Gospel of Luke 5:27. Part of the same manuscript as T-S NS 258.140 and T-S 16.351. (Information from CUDL.)
Palimpsest, with the Palestinian Talmud, Pesaḥim 37c-d, written over an unidentified Syriac text. (Information from CUDL)
Palimpsest, with Hebrew halakhic midrash over an unidentified Syriac text. Part of the same manuscript as T-S NS 258.140 and T-S 16.327. (Information from CUDL.)
Literary. Bifolium containing historical accounts of the first years of Islam, written in Judaeo-Arabic. The fragment consists of three divisions: (1) Address (khuṭba) by a Jew converted to Islam. (2) Letter by Muḥammad to Ḥanīna and the people of Khaybar and Maqna. (3) Muḥammad's genealogy.
Large fragment filled with Arabic script. It appears to be a Jewish prayer: "yā Allāh" (l. 6), "I thirst for your mercy like the ground thirsts for water" (l. 17), "for the sake of the covenant with our fathers Ibrāhīm Isḥāq and Yaʿqūb..." (margin, ll. 12–13). Needs examination.
Palimpsest, the upper script consisting of a collection of qerovot by Yannai from a 10th-century (?) maḥzor of his work. The under script is the New Testament (John 14:25-15:16) in Christian Palestinian Aramaic. (Information from CUDL)
Piyyutim in an unknown hand. (Information from CUDL)
Verso: Unidentified text in Arabic script. May be literary. Might be a prayer with an apostrophe to Muḥammad (yā Mūḥammad...). Probably not a state document as catalogued on CUDL. Underneath there is a qaṣīda of praise for God that begins تبارك من انشا من الطين وركب فيه الروح والهوا
Recto contains a piyyuṭ for Yom Kippur in the hand of ʿEli b. ʿAmram he-Ḥaver. Verso contains his poem in honour of ʿEli b. Mevasser
Part of a poem of congratulations on the occasion of the circumcision of a child named Nathaniel. (CUDL)
The unique papyrus codex in the Taylor-Schechter collection. "The late Professor Ezra Fleischer identified the fragments as a collection of liturgical poems by the Palestinian payṭan, Joseph b. Nissan of Neve Qiryatayim (a contemporary of Eleazar b. Kallir c. sixth century CE). At some point during the eighth or ninth century CE, a scribe copied Nissan’s poems out on to the papyrus leaves and the leaves were bound into a codex." See Jefferson, R. J. (2009). T-S 6H9 – 21, the papyrus codex rebound. [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, July 2009]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.48228.
Ethical work discussing the world to come and evil inclinations. Late. (Information from CUDL.)
Hebrew Bible, Nehemiah 13:21-28. (Information from CUDL)
Literary treatise in Judaeo-Arabic on the laws of mourning in various special cases. when the deceased is the father of a bride; if he was executed by the court; if he committed suicide; if he rejected rabbinic authority (al-madhhab al-rabbānīyya, sunanuhum) (in this case there is no mourning, but rather celebration); if he has no one to mourn for him; and how there is no mourning on shabbat (verso). Also on verso are several lines in Judaeo-Arabic giving formulaic opening phrases for a letter. ASE.
Poem of praise, or example of a poetic opening to a letter. (cudl)