Type: Literary text

1840 records found
A short pious poem (attributed to ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib in the literature) in large Arabic script: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم رَضيتُ بِما قَسَّمَ اللَهُ وَفَوَّضتُ أَمري إِلى خالِقي لقد أَحسَنَ اللَهُ في ما مَضى كَذَلِكَ يُحسنُ فيما بَقي Reused for Hebrew piyyutim and lists of piyyutim.
Homily. In Hebrew. Probably late. The text has been crossed through. Information from Baker/Polliack catalog.
Homily on knowledge and justice. In Judaeo-Arabic. Probably medieval. Information from Baker/Polliack catalog.
Dream interpretation. In Judaeo-Arabic. Information from FGP.
Literary. Sefer Yosippon (Yosef ben Guryon) in Judaeo-Arabic. Information from FGP.
Astrological text, divided into sections, each dealing with an aspect of life. In Judaeo-Arabic. Information from Baker/Polliack catalog.
Theological or exegetical text. In Judaeo-Arabic. The extant passage on commands and prohibitions and the Noahide commandments. Information from FGP.
Literary. Some sort of narration in Judaeo-Arabic with each sentence introduced by ʿabartu ʿalā bāb so-and-so (the עֿ and עבֿ are abbreviations for עברת). On verso there is a Hebrew piyyut.
Hebrew poetry, probably.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. There are at least two compositions here (one of them oriented at 90 degrees). The main text has a section on basketmakers (qaffāṣīn) and a section on fava bean vendors (fawwālīn), praising (satirically?) the quality of their goods. ASE
Hebrew liturgy or poetry.
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic involving a skinny woman and a fat woman. One is "thin of waist, great of buttocks, sweet of bosom." Possibly in the hand of Berakhot b. Shemuel.
Numbers 7:89, calligraphic, with a doodle.
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Literary, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Discussion of blessings and curses, possibly from a Bible commentary. Information from Baker/Polliack catalog.
Literary. Judaeo-Arabic word-by-word translation of Psalms 5.
Treatise on geography in Judaeo-Arabic. See Yossi Ben-Artzi and Esther-Miriam Wagner, "Geography in the Genizah," Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, December 2010.
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic. The main legible part consists of prayers citing God's blessings for the patriarchs and prophets (e.g., 'save us like you saved Daniel from the lions' den').