Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Autograph leaves of Maimonides, Treatise on sexual intercourse. (Information from CUDL)
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Literary text in Ladino and Hebrew. Probably a sermon.
Literary texts. In Judaeo-Arabic. (1) The ethical will of rabbenu ha-qadosh—probably Yehuda ha-Nasi—to his son. (2) A portion of a medical text, citing Galen.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Literary work. In Hebrew. Identification is difficult, but it does not seem to be a letter as catalogued.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Literary work. Dealing with court procedure, including the court notebook (shimmush) and its halakhic implications. Probably from Adab al-Quḍāh by Hayya b. Sherira Gaon or "Lawāzim al-Ḥukkām" by Shemuel b. Ḥofni. The same work as, and partially overlapping with, ENA 2639.44-45 (mistakenly recorded as 42-45 in the Libson article). Information from Dan Greenberger via FGP and Gideon Libson's edition.
Text on Talmudic polemics. (C. Baker and M. Polliack, ed., Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections: Arabic Old Series, 2001, 497) EMS
The main text is in Ladino and Hebrew, perhaps a sermon or exegetical work. Verso also contains: the draft of the beginning of a Ladino family letter with several drafts of the signature of Eliezer Ḥazaq; a musar text in Hebrew in a different hand; calligraphic pen trials of the Arabic alphabet; and scattered jottings and sums in Hebrew characters.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Gives a sample deed drawn up in Baghdad(?), 1270 Seleucid (959 CE). Information from FGP.
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Siddur of Shelomo b. Natan of Sijilmasa. End of chapter 17 on marriage and beginning of chapter 18 on the laws of menstruation. Information from Dan Greenberger via FGP.
Popular literature. Small fragment in rhymed Judaeo-Arabic. In the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī.
Literary. Likely from Kitāb Adab al-Quḍāh of Hayya b. Sherira Gaon. This section discusses the relationship between the judge and the the people appearing the court, based on Talmudic sources. Also deals with incestuous relationships. Information from Dan Greenberger via FGP.
Literary fragment. Discussing the halakha of drawing up proper bills of divorce. Information from Dan Greenberger via FGP.
Book of responsa. Joins by Amir Ashur. See FGP and Goitein's note card for bibliographical references.