Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Legal formulary of Saadya Gaon (Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq). Information from FGP.
Story of Hārūn al-Rashīd. (Information in part from Goitein's index card)
Literary, probably. Catalogued as a document involving a dispute with a certain Abū ʿAlī, but the dispute seems to be an intellectual one; the same bifolium mentions nūr al-ḥaqq and ahl al-naẓar.
Story from Kalīla wa-Dimna, with a large illustration, in color, of a lion cub and his mother. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Auguries/omens for undertaking a journey
Halakhic text in Judaeo-Arabic. See FGP for joins and further information. Enumerating the factors that disqualify a person for testifying. The fourth group is "those who lack muruwwa (roughly: virtue, manliness)." 4a: He who plays backgammon or chess or fasāfis ("fleas") or nawā ("fruit pits") or dice, or the like, if he gains money or benefit from it. 4b: He who plays in the bathhouse or with rams or with dogs or other such animals, if he gains money or benefit from it. 4c: He who eats in the marketplace."
Popular literature in rhymed Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably no earlier than 13th century. 8 folios. NB: Goitein's index card refers to this fragment as "daily household expenditure for the months of Shevaṭ and Adar," but this must refer to a different fragment, probably somewhere in the T-S Ar.54 folder.
Chronicle about the Jews’ resettlement in Jerusalem following the Islamic conquest of Palestine. Written in highly calligraphic script, presumably by a professional scribe.
Midrash about redemption, middle of 13th century.
Biblical commentary in Judaeo-Arabic. In the form of a letter: "Know, my brother..."
Rhymed prose in Judaeo-Arabic, perhaps with a bit of Hebrew. In the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. One side involves a physician; the other side involves a retelling of the story of Moses bringing down the Torah. This is one of the fragments that he signs (אנא אלאדיב נאצר).
Poem in Arabic and an unidentified text in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
Halakhic text text on betrothal and marriage. Damaged
Palimpsest containing the Latin text of a sermon by St. Augustine. See CUL Add.4320a-d and Outhwaite, B. (2007). St Augustine in the Genizah. [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, May 2007]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.40134.
Minute fragment. Text referring to a divorce deed (al-geṭ).
Unidentified text in brown ink with a vocabulary list from Isaiah 48:13-58:13 in black ink and marginal notes. FGP
Discussion of divorce, based on Deuteronomy 24:1-3. CUDL
Completely damaged page from what use to be a Bible. The ink was corrosive so almost nothing left. On top of the page Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi wrote: קודש לאלהי ישראל לכניסת הבבליין במצר, so this bible belonged to the Babylonian synagogue in Fustat. AA
Maimonides Mishne Torah, Sekhirut, 6. AA