Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Halakhic discussion regarding the slaughter of animals.
Seems to be an homily, but might be part of a long letter
A dirge?
Recto: Bible translation of Genesis 1:1-5, with citation of the whole Hebrew verse. Verso: unidentified Hebrew text. Very hard to read. Speaks about משפטים קבועים ודיינים. CUDL and AA
Recto: possibly a piece from a Sufi text in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning a well-known saying of the Egyptian Sufi Dhūl-Nūn al-Miṣrī (d. 862). The original quote in Arabic reads: أدب العارف فوق كل أدب، لأن معروفه مؤدب قلبه. CUDL
Medical treatise containing instructions for the preparation of collyria (shiyāf). Information from CUDL.
Badly damaged, unidentified discussion.
A few words in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably no earlier than 13th century. From a literary text discussing the 9 celestial spheres and their movement (CUDL).\
Piyyutim, probably.
Halakhic discussion. In Judaeo-Arabic. Involves marriage laws and nikshei melog (usufruct property), citing Talmudic sources.