Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Literary - recommend suppress
Literary - recommend suppress
Literary - recommend suppress
Literary - recommend suppress
Literary - recommend suppress
Commentary entitled פירוש מכתב לרבנות, in the hand of Joseph b. Jacob ha-Bavli.
Minute fragment, probably liturgical. Halfon b. Menashshe?
Literary - recommend suppress
Literary - recommend suppress
Bible translation; unidentified On both sides, there is an (older) text in the main body of the page in faint script, while there is another text in the margins written in a different ink around it. In the middle of recto there is a drawing of a man, chained to a yoke or possibly a cross, although the legs are apart as if he is walking. The older text seems to be literary, possibly a Judaeo-Arabic paraphrase of Esther, and mentions a king and Haman. The text around is written in the first person (CUDL)
Literary - recommend suppress
Literary text regarding Passover, very hard to read. On verso, few lines in a different hand with formula of a a approval of a deed (qiyyum). AA
Apparently a small fragment from a medical book, mentioning cartilage, the heart and illnesses. CUDL
Dietary laws concerning animals and birds. CUDL
Astronomical or astrological treatise; deals with movement of celestial bodies. CUDL
Philosophical work comparing the prophecy of Moshe to other prophets. Information from Sarah Stroumsa's transcription and notes.
Philosophical work on good and evil deeds and God's transcendence. Information from Nahum Steinberg's transcription and notes.
Fragment containing Hebrew pious phrases and biblical quotations. Perhaps notes for a eulogy?
Love and/or wine poetry in Judaeo-Arabic. The layout deceptively resembles a letter.
On recto poetic lines in Hebrew, can be from a a letter to person named Halfon, or a dirge or other poem. On verso liturgy.