Type: Literary text

1840 records found
2 Samuel ch. 5 with Targum.
Geonic literature. In Hebrew.
“Literary - recommend suppress”
Epistle of R. Sherira Gaon
See PGPID 23194
See PGPID 23194
Bifolium containing multiple literary texts, in both Hebrew and Arabic. The Arabic side is from a Muslim historical work, recounting the episode of Muḥammad's letters to foreign rulers. Discussed in Oded Zinger, "Meanderings in the Arabic Literary Genizot," 204f.
Formulary for writing eloquent letters in Hebrew. Late hand.
Probably a formulary for writing Hebrew letters to important people. Fragment.
Bifolium containing a legal formulary for a Geṭ Ḥaliẓa (release from levirate marriage).
Bifolium from Saadya Gaon's Kitāb al-Shahāda wa-l-Wathā'iq. Information from FGP.
12 pages of astrological/medical prognostications—horoscopes for male and female. E.g., "Mazal sarṭan lineqeva. La ke su mazal es en sartan sera fermosa de forma y gorda de kuerpo y de mucha karne y buenos ojos y buena su voz y alta de kuerpo y buen kabello y ciegara de sus ojos. Y de año y medio adolecera y terna (=tendrá) mucha fazienda y engrandecera a sus parientes y ayudara a ellos y se alegrara kon ellos y no terna mala fama. Es angustiada kada hora por muchos celos de la fermosura y de la fazienda y la tacharan sus parientes u otros y su marido la kera (=querrá) bien en su koraxon y adolecera de cinco anos y de trenta y ocho y de kuarenta y nueve y de 64 y de ochenta y kuatro. Morira de enfermedad de kalientura y tiene senial en sus tetas y en sus manos y en su vientre y en su kojenturas y en su kaveza ferida." (Information from http://www.investigacion.cchs.csic.es/judeo-arabe/sites/investigacion.cchs.csic.es.judeo-arabe/files/Genizah-Al-Andalus.pdf.)
Palimpsest. Undertext: Bohairic Coptic, probably liturgical. Overtext: Writing practice of the Hebrew alphabet, and a Judaeo-Arabic list of birds, perhaps a translation of the unkosher birds from Leviticus/Deuteronomy. Information in part from GRU catalog via FGP.
Literary text in Ladino.
Dirge in Ladino (headed קינה בלעז).
Literary text in Ladino. Bible commentary.
Literary text in Judaeo-Greek. See bibliography on FGP.
Accounts in Spanish. 5 folios. Dating: the year 1426 CE is mentioned. Likely related to the payment of taxes, because it uses the official account system (cuenta castellana) and lists amounts in different kind of cereals (the usual payment in both civil and ecclesiastic taxes). Deals with cargas (loads) of trigo (wheat), cebada (barley) and centeno (rye). Domingo may be a seller or buyer. The word rrey (king) appears at least a couple times. Partial transcription: "son cunplidos los dichos xlviii mil dcxxvii s que valieron / [---] este dicho año en la cuenta que d su [---] / almox del algund el dicho año de 1426 años / 1 quento de trigo a vi ls ii fs et 1 quento de çevada / [---] testimonio signado de Ao Gs escribano publico del dicho." Information kindly provided by José Manuel Fradejas and Jose M. Escribano.
Literary text in Judaeo-Persian.
Literary text in Ladino.