Type: List or table

4253 records found
Late account in Arabic, along with sums. There is introductory text saying that this is the blessed register of what is owed by Ibn al-Muʿallim Yūnus (or Yūsuf?) al-Ḥakīm al-Yahūdī al-Ḥarīrī (?).
4 pages. 3 of them are brief notes, along with accounts, signed and sealed by Anṭūn al-Wakīl aka Anṭūn ʿAbd al-Laṭīf to a certain muʿallim Yūsuf [Isḥāq? ʿAqqāq?]. The note on Page 3 seems to have been written by someone else. Dated 8 and 9 October 1821 (11 and 12 Muharram 1237). The format is the same as AIU XII.118, from 6 months earlier, and involving different people.
List or table in Arabic script. Needs further examination.
Arabic writing exercises.
Fragment of a leaf of accounts in Arabic.
Arabic accounts.
Recto: Accounts in Arabic, mentioning Abū l-Futūh and a certain Yaʿqūb and almonds. Verso: A note in Arabic saying, "I have sent you some almonds."
Account in Arabic script, unclear if private or fiscal. Recto includes the phrase 'in the name of ʿUmar b. [...]' and mentions the number 400 (part of a year?). Needs further examination.
Late accounts in Arabic.
List or table in Arabic script, probably a private account. Needs further examination.
Three unrelated fragments. Pages 1 and 2: A private account in (quite legible) Arabic, naming Yūsuf al-Yahūdī, Makārim al-Yahūdī, al-Qazzāz Abū l-Qāsim, and others. Written in at least two hands. Pages 3 and 4: An Arabic literary work. Pages 5 and 6: A curious fragment, in Arabic, of the printed minutes of some sort of meeting ([...] Diyāb al-Ḥānūtī and Ibrāhīm were in attendance at one). It could also be typewritten, but it does not appear that Arabic typewriters were commercially available in Cairo until 1904 (https://kerningcultures.com/kerned-and-cultured/arabic-typewriter). It dates from 1898 CE at the earliest to 1903 CE at the latest. It refers to "the hospital of the Tramway" (شفاخانة الترامواي), and the Cairo Tramway was inaugurated in 1896, and it refers to a recent report in the satire magazine "El-Houmara El-Minyati," which was published from 1898–1903 CE. Another possibility is that it could be lithographed and printed at the Būlāq Press (est. 1821) or its contemporaries.
Lists in Arabic of unclear significance, needs examination. All four pages of the bifolium are filled.
List in Arabic of unclear significance, needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic. Needs further examination.
Late accounts in Arabic.
List of names (right column) and sums of money (left column) in Arabic, presumably either a donations or an alms list. Most names sound Coptic (e.g. ṣihr Būlus al-Kātib) or Muslim. Merits further examination
Late accounts in Arabic in a neat blue/red/black grid.
Recto: List of goods and amounts in Arabic, including pomegranate blossoms (jullanār). Verso: Jottings in Arabic.
Enigmatic table with entries in Arabic. Needs further examination.
Writing exercises in Arabic, helpfully giving the date: September 1821 CE (Dhu l-Hijja 1237H)