Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Literary text in Ladino.
Judaeo-Arabic poetry in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. Many or all of the verses begin "Yā Nafs," followed by various exhortations. Possibly related to the later "Yā Nafs" poem(s) discussed by Rachel Hasson in her September 2020 Fragment of the Month.
Popular literature in Judaeo-Arabic. Humorous rhymed prose. Dating: Likely 13th or 14th century.
Poems and drafts in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi. One of the poems is by Avraham Ibn ʿEzra. One of the drafts is invective (hijāʾ): והוא שוטה.... וכל מליו ... שקרים.
Recto: Aphorisms in Judaeo-Arabic in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. Strangely, for an often-humorous poet, he includes "the one who abandons laughter [is rewarded?] with fear (of God)" (apparently a variant of the still-current من ترك الضحك منح الهيبه). Verso: Wine poem in Judaeo-Arabic, also in Nāṣir's hand.
The Principles of Grammar by Joshua ben Avraham. In Judaeo-Persian. Published by Nehemya Allony, along with two joins.
Two songs with musical notation by Obadiah the Proselyte. See https://johannes-obadiah.org/, Obadiah Musical Compositions, Songs 2 and 3.
Dirges in Hebrew and one apparently in Ladino.
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic, very faded.
Prayer in Hebrew. Verso contains two lines in Arabic.
Fragment from the history of Netira and his sons, as was told by Natan b. Yishak ha-Bavli, from “Akbar Baghdad”. (Information from Gil, Kingdom. Vol. 2, #11). VMR
Piyyuṭ for Rosh ha-Shana. Signed on verso by Yedutun ha-Levi.
Printed treatise in Ladino. On sheḥita and kashrut. Bifolium, with two columns per page.
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Glosses on the book of Job.
Ladino version, printed, of Micael de Carvajal's Tragedia Josephina (Salamanca 1535 ?). The Tragedia Josephina, written in Spain decades after the expulsion, was being read in Hebrew characters by the Jews of Cairo; hence its survival in the Genizah. Information from http://www.investigacion.cchs.csic.es/judeo-arabe/sites/investigacion.cchs.csic.es.judeo-arabe/files/Genizah-Al-Andalus.pdf.
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Commentary on Genesis.
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Translation of Mishna Avot.
Printed Haggada in Ladino and Hebrew.
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Translation of Mishna Avot.
Printed Haggada in Ladino and Hebrew.