Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Printed Haggada in Ladino and Hebrew. One side contains the Hallel with Ladino translation on the side. The other side contains remnants of lovely illuminations of the Israelites in the wilderness, along with Ladino translations of Hebrew text that is now missing. The format is identical to T-S Misc.17.107, except that that one appears to be in Judaeo-Italian and this one in Ladino.
Printed Haggada in Ladino and Hebrew. The capitals contain lovely illuminations.
Printed Haggada with lovely illuminations.
Printed treatise in Ladino. Laws of prayer (Oraḥ Ḥayyim).
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Biblical concordance/dictionary.
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Commentary on Genesis (parashat Noah).
Literary text. Printed. In Latin and Hebrew. On sacrifices.
Printed Haggada in Hebrew and Judaeo-Italian. There are lovely illuminations, captioned with lines of poetry. The format is identical to T-S Misc.15.69, except that that one appears to be in Ladino and this in Judaeo-Italian.
Printed treatise in Ladino and Hebrew. Glosses on the Torah (parashat Yitro).
Printed treatise in Ladino. Two bifolia from Sefer Yosippon.
Bifolium from a printed book. Retelling of Megillat Esther in Ladino poetry, in stanzas of eight verses each with an ABBAACCA rhyme scheme.
The frontispiece and the first daf of the Sabbioneta Kiddushin (printed Elul 5313 = 1543 CE), under the rule of Vespesiano Gonzaga and in the Hebrew press by then owned by Tobias b. Eliezer Foa. Apart from intrinsic interest, there are several annotations on the frontispiece. At the top is a signature. Below is a short book list, naming twice a work by the מהרימ"ט = Joseph Trani (ca. 1569–1639), the book עדות ביהוסף, and תשובות הרא״ם = the responsa of Eliyyahu Mizrahi (ca. 1455–1526). Below the lovely illuminated capitals is an ownership note: הצעיר יצחק סורבונה (?). At the bottom adjacent to the printing information appears to be the name Thomas spelled according to its French pronunciation and given a typically Jewish honorific: כה״ר טומה. On verso, there is rudimentary alphabetical practice and a line in cursive Hebrew script, perhaps Ladino (לאש . . . אינטרא. . . .).
Popular literature (nawādir) in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 19th century.
Folio 1: Haggada. Folio 2: The book of Numbers, including its conclusion and verse count, followed by a note in Judaeo-Arabic that mentions "the Tāj that is in the Palestinian synagogue in Fustat."
Bifolium with Arabic literary text (on love?) and one page of Hebrew.
Recto is a draft of a poem in praise of Moses Maimonides by Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi.
Popular poetry written in a mixture of Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic on the subject of a man addicted to the love of singing women (ʿishq al-maghānī, pl. of mughaniyya), and who is bankrupt (muflis) and fond of beer (mizr). Same poem as in T-S NS 324.68. The refrain is: وما تدع عنك عشق المغاني.
Small fragment in Latin script. Needs examination.
Small fragment in Latin script. Needs examination.