Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter in Hebrew. Dating: Late, probably no earlier than 15th century. Seems to be warning the addressees about a man who might trick them.
Letter in Hebrew. Late. Mostly consists of poetical praises. Needs further examination.
See join for description.
Letterbook of Alpalas y Costa, preserving mainly (or entirely?) letters addressed to Daniel Bonfil in Livorno. Dating: 5481 AM, which is 1721 CE.
Letterbook of Alpalas y Costa, preserving mainly (or entirely?) letters addressed to Daniel Bonfil in Livorno. Dating: 5481 AM, which is 1721 CE.
Late letter in Hebrew.
Drafts of letter text in Arabic script. On verso there is Hebrew piyyuṭ.
Drafts of text from letters in Arabic script. In one of them the addressee is called 'al-zāhidī' (ascetic). There are also jottings in Hebrew script.
Letter from an unidentified writer in Rashīd to Shelomo Ḥalafta. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Same addressee as ENA 2855.21.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The subject matter is tricky to figure out. Possibly a request for help ("I have no face and no tongue, by God. . . pay attention to me, my master...")
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand looks Yemeni. ENA 3504.2, ENA 3504.3, and ENA 3504.5 may all be from the same letter. Needs examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand looks Yemeni. ENA 3504.2, ENA 3504.3, and ENA 3504.5 may all be from the same letter. Needs examination.
Letter addressed to Yūsuf al-Surrī. The name Saʿīd Maḍmūn the Blind appears at the bottom of verso; unclear if this is the name of the writer. The letter is written in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand looks Yemeni. Dating: Probably Ottoman-era, based on the mention of the currency qirsh. The purpose of the letter is to inform the addressee that the money he kindly sent (or promised to send) never arrived. The writer mentions his paternal aunts Shamʿa and Turkiyya.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The hand looks Yemeni. ENA 3504.2, ENA 3504.3, and ENA 3504.5 may all be from the same letter. Needs examination.
Mercantile letter from Sālim to his relative Yosef b. Yehuda Kohen. In Judaeo-Arabic. Yemeni. Dating: No earlier than 15th century based on currencies mentioned (muʾayyadī, qurūsh). Deals with trade in Adeni silk and probably other commodities. The measure farāsila is used. There are accounts on verso in a different hand.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic with the address in Arabic script. Dating: 11th century. From Salāma(?) and Shūʿa(?) and Maḥfūẓ b. Būlus(??) to Abū Sahl [...]. Rudimentary handwriting. Mentions Syria, Latakia, and Antioch and several people's names. Merits further examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Addressed to a woman. Fragment: Bottom part only. The sender is eagerly anticipating something that will happen "very, very, very" soon and urges the addressee to have patience and prays for good things for him or herself and for the addressee and for her children.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Faded. Chastising the addressee for something (it is not entirely clear what). "That which you did, an enemy wouldn't even do it to himself. Yā subḥān Allāh... family... they come and eat... people... you feared for yourself that you couldn't appear..." On verso there are jottings in Arabic script and Hebrew script.
On one side there are accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. On the other side there is what looks like an address of a letter in Arabic script, mentioning al-Muʿizziyya (=Cairo) and Ḥārat al-Zuwayla.
Letter or report, probably. In Arabic script. Small fragment, with the beginning of 6 lines. Includes the word (or title) al-thiqa. Reused for a copy of Genesis on verso.