Type: Literary text

1840 records found
Popular literature or midrash in Judaeo-Arabic. Quoting Mishnah Sotah 3:4; BT Sotah 22b. (Information from Shivtiel/Niessen Catalog.)
Rabbinica; account of a legal dispute; verso: blank. (FGP)
Astrology; Predicting the Future. Occasional Arabic script (info by Gidi Bohak FGP)
Introduction to a work on magic/telling the future, probably in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, probably a join with L-G Misc. 16.
Medical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions a plant that grows in the environs of Jerusalem.
Recto: Letter or essay regarding the proper authorities to consult when learning the art of ophthalmology; the author of this fragment seems to be a partisan of using ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā's handbook Tadhkirat al-Kaḥḥālīn, and "the big books" must only be consulted from time to time. Verso: Pen trials in Hebrew script.
Talmudic Commentaries: Might be by the hand of Halfon b. Netan'el Halevi. Needs further examination
Ornamented Colophon of Bible. AA
Medical treatise in Judaeo-Arabic. Includes instructions for the Mithridates antidote.
Literary text in Hebrew with a marvellous marginal illustration of a knight on horseback and a foot soldier, each with bow and arrow, confronting each other.
Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic. Probably belongs with BL OR 5565G.23–26 (a treasure-hunting/alchemical manual).
Judaeo-Arabic poetry.
Map of the Temple in Jerusalem. On verso there is Judaeo-Arabic literary text.
Literary. In Hebrew, with calendrical diagrams.
One side: Judaeo-Arabic poetry on ʿishq al-maghānī (see T-S Misc.25.44). The other side: Instructions for the reading of the Shema before sleep.
Literary. Recto: catena of verses from Psalms 119, quoting the first verse of each alphabetical acrostic (including Psalms 119:1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, qof is missing). Verso: Judaeo-Arabic: philosophical treatise. Information from Shivtiel/Niessen Catalog.
Literary. On benedictions, quoting biblical sources (1 Samuel 25:33; Genesis 14:20) (recto); on the `amidah and personal prayers quoting BT Berakhot 34a (verso). Information from Shivtiel/Niessen catalog.
Literary text in Hebrew on mystical matters: the heavens, the ministering angels, what they subsist on, etc.