Type: List or table

4253 records found
Late accounts in Arabic.
Late accounts in Arabic.
Account in Arabic, mentioning pearls and gold.
Table of mostly names in Judaeo-Arabic, purpose unclear.
Arabic writing exercises, probably the word "fī" hundreds of times.
Arabic writing exercises including "lillahi waḥdahu" three times.
Book list. Most items are volumes of the Talmud. E.g., a commentary on most of Seder Moed by the Ẓarfatiyyim z"l, an Arabic commentary on the Psalms in four bound volumes. Ends with a note regarding a deceased man named Ezra b. Meir.
Calendrical table. The hand is late (maybe 17th–19th c) but the year is not immediately evident.
List of names. Tiqva ha-Kohen; Yakhin b. Yeshuʿa; ʿEli b. Shelomo; Elʿazar b. Araḥ; Berakhot; Avraham b. She'erit; ʿEli ha-Ḥaver(?).
Fragment of a calendar, including a table. Mentions the year 1667 since the destruction of the temple.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and western Arabic numerals. Late.
Writing exercises. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late. The name "Yosef Frances" appears at the top.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
List of goods and their quantities or prices/weights in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions numerous materia medica: barbārīs, jullanār, tamr hindī, ghārīqūn, bizr shāhtaraj, ṭīn rūmī, etc. Some entries are crossed out.
List of accounts for the bread distribution. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the paternal aunt of the judge, the Shaykh Abū l-Faraj al-Dimyāṭī, and Maḥfūẓ the khādim in the synagogue.
Accounts in Ladino and Judaeo-Arabic that express figures in western Arabic numerals. Dated 19 Kislev [54]97 or less likely 55[97]– so 1736CE or 1836CE. Some of the entries begin with the Judeo-Arabic word "wuṣūl / ווצול" within the phrase "wuṣūl de" which could indicate incoming payments for example "wuṣūl de Abd Raḥman" (l. 18r). The entry furthest down along the lower border of the fragment also mentions Yosef Haggai ("יוספ חגאי"). MCD.
Calendar for maḥzors 258 (starting 1122 CE) through maḥzor 261 (ending 1199 CE). Will be a useful resource for dating the handful of Geniza documents that contain only the maḥzor and the year within the maḥzor. (T-S 12.30 is another document that provides some conversions, and the conversion can also be calculated).
List in Judaeo-Arabic, neat and well-preserved, with quantities of food items and materia medica on the recto. There are three columns from right to left which list the materials, units of measurement, and perhaps Coptic-numerical quantities. Among the goods listed are two types of soap ( "בלדי" and "שאמי" ), pepper, and plums. A diverse array of units of measurement are in use such as the raṭl and the wayba, which Goitein notes "comprised about 15 liters (approximately 4 gallons) and the irdabb consisted of 6 waybas." (Goitein, Mediterranean Society I, 361). These details help estimate the dating of this document as 14th-16th-century. The verso features a different hand, however, that is listing similar goods such as pepper, almond, and wax albeit without the organized column structure of units and numerical quantities. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating possibly to the 16-19th centuries. The recto and verso account for payments "אל ווצל" across two sequential days of the same week where the days are clearly listed in each as Friday (recto) and Saturday (verso). The entries below each heading include names and perhaps itemized entries expressed in alphanumerical figures. MCD.
Jottings in Hebrew script. Maybe accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. The word thawb appears.