Type: Literary text

1840 records found
There are four items under this shelfmark, all relating to the dīwān of Yehuda ha-Levi, including a calligraphic index to his poems (207/1).
Literary. Prayerbook for Yom Kippur. Dating: Catalogued as 13th or 14th century. Information from NLI.
Book. Qaraite. May have some contents of documentary significance, including the genealogy (p. 51) of the well-known Shelomo b. David b. Ḥisday (d. 1203/04 CE), the head of the Qaraite community of Cairo.
Prayers for a wedding.
Liturgy, Qaraite. Dating: Catalogued as 19th century.
Azharot for Shavuʿot by Shelomo Ibn Gabirol. There is a marginal note (p.18) giving a date for this copy: 1484 Seleucid, which is 1172/73 CE.
Liturgy. Dating: Catalogued as 14th century.
A long text, probably contains moral guidance.
Collection of Karaite halakhic discussions.
Documentary per FGP, but all fragments look literary. Mainly Maimonides, plus a Qaraite siddur.
Documentary per FGP, but all fragments look literary. There are dozens of sub-shelfmarks, some Maimonides, ha-Rif and Rashi
Halakhic text on divorce. Late.
A prayer for Karaite nasis
Literary. Catalogued as an epistle of Pirkoy b. Baboy on FGP.
Torah, Samaritan script, Genesis 36–37.
Literary work in Judaeo-Arabic on the laws of divorce.
Masoretic notes. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Masoretic notes. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Praises for God and a long list of names of God in Judaeo-Arabic.
Prayers and praises for God in Judaeo-Arabic.