Type: Literary text

1840 records found
The story of Esther in Judaeo-Arabic.
Literary. Introduction to a literary work in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew.
Literary. Eshkol ha-Kofer by Yehuda Hadasi. Dating: Possibly 15th or 16th c. Information from NLI.
Literary. Eshkol ha-Kofer by Yehuda Hadasi. Dating: Possibly 15th or 16th c. Information from NLI.
Literary. Eshkol ha-Kofer by Yehuda Hadasi. Dating: Possibly 15th or 16th c. Information from NLI.
Literary. Catalogued as a 15th-century copy of Sefer Teshuva, the polemical work against the Rabbanites by Yefet al-Barqamānī (13th c.).
Literary work. Many pages. See FGP for identifications.
Rendering of the book Esther into Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Literary. Muqaddimāt and tafsīr.
Story in Judaeo-Arabic. Reminiscent of the 1001 Nights, in that they tell of a clever woman in the palace of the king, answering riddles, etc. Needs further examination.
Commentary in Judaeo-Arabic on Psalm 80, which is called here "the Psalm for parshat Bamidbar."
Popular literature. Muslim anti-Christian polemic, Ḥadīth Wāṣil al-Dimashqī. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. "This short tract claims to be the account of a debate on religion which took place among Wāṣil (a Muslim prisoner in Byzantium), Bashīr (a Muslim convert to Christianity), and Christian priests in Byzantium. See also Griffth and Miller, "Bashīr/Beser: Boon Companion of the Byzantine Emperor Leo III: The Islamic Recension of his Story in Leiden Oriental MS 951(1)," Le Museon 103 (1990), pp. 293–327. Information from Krisztina Szilagyi, "Christian Books in Jewish Libraries," Ginzei Qedem (2006), 107–62.
Popular literature. Animal fable in rhyming Judaeo-Arabic. 9 folios.
Literary. Beginning of a Qaraite treatise on the aviv (observation of the barley crop) and intercalation. By Yehuda Meir Rofe. Explains the difference between the Rabbanites whose year begins in Tishrei and the Qaraites whose year begins in Nisan. Gives an origin story for the Seleucid calendar, involving Alexander the Great and Shimʿon ha-Ẓadiq.
Commentary on Prophets. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Liturgical. List of sedarim for the books of Samuel, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets.
Liturgical. Muqaddimat for parshiyot from Leviticus. "Muqaddimat ("Introductions" or "Prolegomena" in Arabic) are short homilies which introduce the weekly Torah reading (parashah). They usually also refer to the weekly reading from the Prophets (haftarah) and a specific Psalm. A few muqaddimat include some liturgical poetry." Informaton from https://openn.library.upenn.edu/Data/0021/html/GasterHebrewMss1324.html.
Liturgical. List of sedarim for the books of Samuel and Kings.
Literary treatise in Judaeo-Arabic on the laws of sheḥita. Discusses among other things the extent to which Arabic parallels are admissible as arguments for the interpretation of certain Hebrew words.
Literary treatise mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Catalogued as the Book of Commmandments by Yefet Ibn Ṣaghīr.