31745 records found
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino literary work.
Ladino and Hebrew literary work.
Ladino and Hebrew literary work.
Ladino poetry.
Bifolium from the Duties of the Heart by Bahya Ibn Paquda (d. 1120).
Recto: The colophon to a copy of a certain Sharḥ attributed to Samuel Ibn Tibbon (d.1232). Verso: A brief medical prescription.
Perhaps an amulet: small, square piece of paper filled with calligraphic Judaeo-Arabic invocations of Gods' names and various prophets on both sides.
Letter addressed to Makhlūf. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably late, no earlier than 15th century. Combative. Mentions the time the writer showed up at Makhlūf's house drunk. Also mentions the town of Tarūja (near Alexandria).
Letter from Semah from Palermo, to Nahray b. Nissim, Alexandria. Around 1055. Mentions import of flax from Egypt to Palermo and exports of silk and lead from Sicily to Egypt. Also mentions the ship of Ibn al-Baʿbāʿ (r19 and v7), the qunbār of the amīr (v7) and the qārib of the vizier (v7). (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, #789)
Bifolium containing vignettes from Roman history, a bit about Jesus, and also the beginning of an account of a Jewish-Christian debate that took place "here in Avila." The adversary was Diego Martin, formerly Avner, from among the students of the students of Maestro Alfonso.
Bifolium from the Kuzari. Known handwriting?
Letter from Netanel b. Ḥalfon to Moshe Maimonides. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 1 Nisan 1485 Seleucid, which is 1174 CE. Describing the plight of the bearer Yeshuʿa and requesting charity on his behalf. Praising Mamionides' munificence, prays that God will make him into a "malja' li-kull malhūf wa-satr li-kull makshūf (the one who 'covers' all the 'uncovered') wa-ahl li-kull maʿrūf." Ed. Israel Lévi, Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 69 (1925), 375–77, cf. Med. Soc., 2: 498, App. C 82a (1174). Information in part from Cohen, Poverty and Charity, p. 43. The sender is likely identical with the sender of T-S NS J384 + T-S AS 151.33, an earlier letter.
Letter from Yehuda ha-Kohen b. Ṭuviyyahu, probably in Bilbays, to Avraham Maimonides, in Fustat. Recommending his nephew Avraham b. Moshe for charity. The writer was active 1170s–1220, was the muqqadam of Bilbays, and was a close companion of Moshe and Avraham Maimonides (information provided by Amir Ashur).
Book list in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script, with some overlap between the two sections. From Avraham Maimonides' own library? These are all but a few: • al-Adwiya by [...] (on medicines) • al-Mayāmir ('the book of homilies') • Manāfiʿ al-Aʿḍā' • The Maqāmāt of al-Ḥarīrī • [Galen's Therapeutics to] Glaucon (اغلوقن/אגלוקן) • Sharḥ al-ʿAqqār by Ibn Jannāḥ • Nihāyat al-Iqdām by al-Shahrastānī (on kalām theology) • Sharḥ al-Khiṭāba (on oratory) • al-Ḥummāyāt wa-l-Buḥrān (on fevers and crises) • al-Taysīr by Ibn Zuhr • al-Kāfī fī l-Ṭibb • Tadbīr al-Ṣiḥḥa (on regimen) • Al-Miʿyār [fī l-ʿIlm] by al-Ghazālī (on logic) • Isḥāq b. ʿImrān "On the Head"
Copies of letters, perhaps. Catalogued as pertaining to Maimonides and R. Ḥisday. Needs examination.
Cryptic lines in Judaeo-Arabic with interlinear translations into a different Judaeo-language. At least several of the words are Persian. There are neat lines in red ink between entry. Needs further examination.
26 pages of a Ladino & Hebrew manual on divination, using astrology and geomancy and perhaps some casting of lots (see pp. 21–22, where there is a calendrical table that the soothsayer can use to determine when the event will come to pass).
A 16-page Ottoman-era notebook with diverse contents. Pages 1–2: Judaeo-Arabic translation of Daniel 1:4–10. "Chief of the eunuchs" is translated as "Sārī l-Aghawāt." There follow writing exercises and the date, 23 Jumāda II. Pages 3–4: Writing exercises. Page 5: Draft or copy of a Judaeo-Arabic letter, mentioning a certain Khawāja Mesīḥa (?) Bāsh[a?], the secretary in Dīwān al-Isti'nāf. Page 6: Writing exercises. Page 7: Judaeo-Arabic formulary for a legal document dated Thursday 3 Rajab. Page 8: Writing exercises and the date 7 Rajab. Page 9: Draft or copy of a legal document involving the shaykh Mūlṭafa (=Muṣṭafa?) al-Damanhūrī, dated Tuesday 27 Muharram. Page 10: Writing exercises and the date 8 Rajab. Page 11: Writing exercises and the date 11 Rajab. Page 12: Biblical or apocryphal-sounding text in Judaeo-Arabic, but identification is elusive ("The eighth word. . . O Children of Israel, do not steal. . . Son of man. . . Your mother's womb. . ."). Page 13: Judaeo-Arabic translation of Isaiah 60:1–3. Page 14: Writing exercises dated "Raḥamim" (Av). Page 15: Writing exercises dated 12 Rajab. Page 16: Writing exercises (Hebrew alphabet).