31745 records found
Fragment from a dowry list, some item are crossed out.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Connected to both the India trade and trade in the Maghrib. Mentions: lac, clove, nutmeg, civet, pepper; someone meeting with the sender in Raʾs Tīnī; an Aleppan; a Byzantine ship that brought Jews from al-Mahdiyya including Ibn Nufayʿ (Abū ʿImrān known from the India Book?) and [...] b. Nahray; quotes a couple biblical verses; the news from the Jews who arrived that Yaʿaqov b. Isḥāq was killed, and something to do with Tilimsān and Fez; (then in the postscript,) someone who has been idle or unemployed; ʿAydhāb; and Alexandria after the holidays.
The nature of the text is unclear- very dark and hard to read. Few names on Verso such as Ishaq b. Barukh,. Sevilla is mentioned. Seems to be written by Abu Nasr b. al-Tabib (see TS 8J15.13 where he signed on top). He was active during Maimonides' time: in TS 16.229 he mentions him in the blessing for the living. He copied dozens of halakhic treatises, Geonic responsa and other collections of responsa such as those by R. Yosef Migash (see Ashur, ‘Responsa of Rabbi Joseph Ibn Migash from the Cairo Geniza’, Qovets-Al-Yad 21 [31], pp. 1˗24, 2012 [Hebrew]). AA
Late Letter (to a certain Obadiah?), mentioning Solomon al-Yerushalmi, Isaac and his business partner Jacob Ashkenazi.
Short and torn note written by David b. Avraham Maimuni to the Nasi. AA
Damaged dowry list.
Order of payment signed by Abu Zikri Kohen.
Opening verse of a letter introduced by quotations such as Psalms 31:2.
Cheque signed by Abu Zikri
See T-S 12.397
Letter regarding business matters, mentioning for example the prize of sugar and that the writer had recently travelled from Fustat to Qus. Also mentions the brothers Sa'd and al-Makin, sons of Abu Sa'd. (data from CUL)
Few words, probably from a letter
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning that the writer had arrived in Rashīd and al-Mahdiyya. (data from CUL)
Possibly a letter (?). (Information from CUDL)
Small fragment from a letter.
Small fragment from a letter, mentioning 'the dyer'.
Much damaged and faded, might be from a court record, but the identification is uncertain.
Legal document, mentioning a certain Shilo.
Much damaged 11th-century business letter.
Legal document with release formulae. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (1100–38 CE). Mentions "the two gates" (? al-bābatayn).